Domenech’s Pseudo-Goat

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Baltimore Name: Domenech's Pseudo-Goat
Aliases: Mr. Domenech, François
Home Plane: Infernus (Otherside)
Associated Cases: DPG

Mr. Domenech is staying with us for the time being. He is rather cute, isn’t he?

Domenech's Pseudo-Goat is a caprine cryptid from the Infernus with powerful psychic abilities. It is likely formed naturally in the Caelus, and as such, lacks all desire whatsoever.


According to Abbé Emanuel Domenech, the Pseudo-Goat is nearly identical to a normal, Flipside goat, though it is the size of a house cat, with rose quartz horns, glossy white fur, and claws instead of hooves.


The Pseudo-Goat has only been encountered once by the Cafe and Diner, in 1995. In August 1995, it entered the Flipside through a rift at Texas A&M University, where it was taken care of by a student, before being found by Employee #26. During that time, a team from A23's division Quebec, led by Five of division Lima, were also searching for it. While #26 found the Pseudo-Goat first, they were chased back to Long Beach by the Lighthouse. They arrived safely, however, and the Owner allowed it to stay at the Cafe, and named it François.

However, by October of that year, they had not yet managed to find a way to return the Pseudo-Goat to the Infernus, as their attempts were met with failure. Furthermore, its psychic powers were flaring up, and the Lighthouse was hot on the CaD's heels. It was then when they realised that it was not only from the Infernus, but from the Caelus, presenting a greater challenge for them. Fortunately, however, they managed to use a normal Flipside goat as a decoy to throw the Astorians off their scent, and managed to get François back to the Caelus safely.