ZZ-SB703 (Aug 30, 2023)
“Coming home today.”
Knowledge | 4 Words
Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: Can you check the day today?
Clue 2: A place to call home on a Wednesday.
Clue 3: A home under Employee No. 323's name.
Answer and Explanation
Answer: The House Of Hamilton
Explanation: The puzzle's on a Wednesday, which is when The House Of Hamilton reenters the flipside.
Summary of Receipt
Receipt: ZZ-SB703
Author: Dover
Status: Super Secret
Subject: Hyperion Cult
RIGHT IN THE NICK OF TIME! Well, there isn’t really time in the Ouroboros. But there is time outside of the Ouroboros, and boy, did we luck out with it still being Wednesday in the Flipside. Well, we got the seventh Sebitti, and the Pathologist has started his research into how to use them to stop Fenrir. Things… are going to be a lot more complicated from here on out. But we’re all still fools and mad about each other, and that’s all that matters!
Twain: …Secret?
Secret: Amber Ingram.
Twain: What are you doing here?
Secret: Taking back what is mine. You have failed me.
Twain: We can get the Heart back—
Secret: No. Your other half let out a rather dangerous secret. You seek to stop me.
Twain: I— no, we—
Secret: You will remain here. Trapped in this Plane without time and stripped of my powers.
Twain: What about Capgras?
Secret: He has been condemned to a different Plane where he cannot escape without my aid. I will not allow myself to go the way of Fate.
Twain: Wait, Secret! No!
Dover: Twain…
Twain: …
Dingane: Are we…?
Twain: I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.
Dingane: It’s okay. You don’t need Secret—
Twain: Without Secret’s Miracles, I’m nothing! We’re nothing! Capgras and I, we don’t have any cool powers, we’re not zombies, we’re not witches, we’re no one. And now you’re trapped here with me, and it’s my fault! We should’ve just played our part.
Dingane: Fate’s dead, Amber. There are no parts left to play.
Dover: And who’d want to be a puppet of the Secret anyway! Don’t cry, Twain! I’ll shift us out of here, no problem, and then we’ll go find Capgras!
Dingane: Yeah! We’ll figure it all out once we get out of here. How’s your shifting going, Dover?
Dover: Okay. Well. You’re not going to love this.
Dingane: What’s wrong, Dover?
Dover: So… I didn’t quite think this through. My dimensional shifting powers let me shuffle Cycles around. The, uh, Ouroboros is notably… Acyclical. I don’t think I can get us out of here.
Twain: If Secret has black-booked us… could we even go back to the Agency? I’m… I’m not Shaka anymore. The Zulu Cult certainly won’t take us back.
Dover: Well, who needs that stinky Agency anyway! We’re Folistes, remember?
[The still sky of the Ouroboros tore open as a towering house crackled into existence.]
Agent Nec: You could probably still use the Agency. Come on, Astrid wants a word, Shaka. Let’s get you guys out of here.