ZZ-SB604 (Aug 18, 2023)
“3:14 A.M. no one has to die ever again.”
Knowledge | 3 Words
Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: Have you met Mrs. Augustine?
Clue 2: Her incessant yapping is documented, and the timestamp refers to a specific phrase.
Answer and Explanation
Answer: Alone Alone Alone
Explanation: “No one has to die ever again” is a reference to Mrs. Augustine, the Fountain of Youth. In C-AEB05, at 3:14AM, she said “Alone. Alone. Alone.”
Summary of Receipt
Receipt: ZZ-SB604
Author: Kikimora
Status: Super Secret
Subject: Hyperion Cult
Mercutio: Damn.
Kikimora: What? What’s wrong, [Mercutio]?
Mercutio: They’re here. I can feel his wretched Blight in my bones.
Kikimora: We need to hurry.
Twain: I can try and grab it. It’s the, uh, top part of the ship, right?
Kikimora: The figurehead, yes. You stay with [Mercutio]. I’ll get the Sebitti. Make sure Fenrir doesn’t hurt him.
Twain: Are you sure…?
Kikimora: I’ll be fine. It’s just a little water.
Mercutio: Zanmi.
Fenrir: I’m not here for pleasantries.
Twain: What the hell, Julius? Why are you even doing this? Are you even still in there, or are you just one big walking Blight now? Huh?
Fenrir: Hmph.
Twain: And why drag Victoria into this? Huh?!
Fenrir: Victoria is no more. Warden is free to do as they please.
Twain: And what, Warden wants to help you eat the sun?
Fenrir: Eat the sun? No. I want to destroy the sun. Blot it out permanently.
Mercutio: I hardly see how that distinction makes things better, zanmi.
Fenrir: Sixteen. Sixteen times the entire Universe has been made and unmade. Sixteen lives I’ve lived. Over and over again. What does it matter if this Cycle ends? The Universe is soon to follow. I only want to set things right.
Twain: And killing everyone accomplishes that… how?
Fenrir: The sun illuminates an ugly rotting sky. God has made many mistakes. You’re Shaka now, right? You’ll be there. The same as always. You know, you’re lucky, [Twain]. Unlike the rest of us, you get to stay the same when things rewind and reset.
Eve: Is this yours?
[Eve appeared behind Fenrir, holding up Kikimora’s enwebbed body.]
Twain: [Kikimora]!
Mercutio: Eve…
Fenrir: Leave her. We got what we came for.
Eve: Mm.
[Eve threw Kikimora on the ground.]