Z-BIAB03 (Aug 20, 2023)
Research | Knowledge | 1 Word
Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: This trick has been used in Open Doors.
Clue 2: Do you speak Angel?
Clue 3: Dee and Kelley can spell it out for you.
Answer and Explanation
Answer: Hatman
Explanation: The clue is Enochian letters mashed up together, spelling Hatman.
Summary of Receipt
Receipt: Z-BIAB03
Author: Dover
Status: Secret
Subject: Bingo Cult
Bingo sucks. The game, not the person. Well, maybe the person too, I don’t know yet. But apparently, you just get a card and hope your numbers get picked? Lame. Anyway, I caught up with my old co-worker of the Last Cafe and BSFF, Umbra the Hatman. He invited me to one of the Sacred Hall of Bingo’s private games next weekend, which I’m definitely going to. I might even get a double whammy of learning more about the Bingo cult AND finding out a way to stop Warden.
Dover: Hey, what numbers did you pick?
Umbra: …pick? You aren’t supposed to write in your own numbers.
Dover: Oh… but then how do you win?
Umbra: You take the card you’re given. It’s just luck.
Dover: Huh…
Umbra: So, you work for Shaka now, is that right?
Dover: Oh! Uh, yeah. And you work for… Jack?
Umbra: I work for myself. I always have.
Dover: What about when you worked for Satan?
Umbra: Well, I—
Dover: And then you were working for Jean.
Umbra: Yes, but—
Dover: And you also worked for the Morbid King for a long time!
Umbra: That wasn’t even me.
Dover: Oh yeah. Well, still, you strike me as a follower type.
Umbra: Do you think because we were once on the same side, we are equals?
Dover: Oh, no, no. I’m way stronger than you are. You just have like shadow and sleep powers. I can shift entire Cycles with the snap of my fingers. It’s why you’re a follower and not a leader.
Umbra: You know I led the Dark, yes?
Dover: Flop organization.
Umbra: Dover, why are you here? Just to annoy me?
Dover: I’m here to win at bingo, silly.
Umbra: …
Dover: Also, to figure out why you’re messing with Capgras’ sleep and what Jack is trying to do with the 8-Ball and why Doris O’Neal can predict the future and—
Umbra: I see. Is Capgras not sleeping well?
Dover: Yeah! Cuz you’re doing something to him!
Umbra: My domain is sleep, Dover, not insomnia.
Dover: Oh. Huh. Yeah.
Umbra: And what about the 8-Ball?
Dover: You don’t know?
Umbra: Dover, and I mean this sincerely, I never know what the hell you’re talking about. We are not doing anything sinister. Fate is dead. The Universe is now in a state of chaos. While we cannot control this chaos, we can at least attempt to plan for the worst and hope for the best. That is all we are doing here. Discussing ideas and plans for a future we will not see.
Dover: Sorry, I zoned out. So, you’re not messing with Capgras’ sleep.
Umbra: No.
Dover: Okay.
Umbra: Look, Dover, you lost someone you care about, correct?
Dover: Um… yeah. Sort of.
Umbra: I can’t promise you anything. But you might be interested in joining us during one of our more private games. I know your situation is… complicated. Jean’s been wanting to discuss it with you. What do you say?
Dover: I’d have to ask the Shakas.
Umbra: Of course. You are a follower, too, after all.