WWCP01 (Feb 6, 2021)

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Summary of Receipt



Branch [Long Island]
Date [2021-02-06]
Server [Employee No. 161]
Beverage [N/A]
File Reference [WWCP01]
Looks like we’ve got another customer craving some Cafe and Diner comfort food. Late nights ahead for us over in Manhattan—Central Park specifically. Tourists have reported seeing a woman in a bone-white, tattered dress, scream-crying her heart out. Based on that alone, I’m almost certain we’re dealing with another London Fog drinker. Though, we've had stranger customers before, and I'm sure there will be stranger ones down the road.

If I had to guess what other drinks might suit her tastes, I’d say… OJ, maybe? She could be one of those late-night dancers. Then again, maybe she's more the type to pair a sad sandwich with a side of Green Tea. Or… who are we kidding? It’s a London Fog drinker. And a lady in white—it all sounds eerily familiar. Reminds me of a legend from Rochester. So, I’m preemptively naming her Mrs. Eastman. We can meet her husband or daughter later, if it comes to that.

But the real question is… if it is Mrs. Eastman, what’s she doing in Central Park?

On one hand, is one park really better than another? Or… could it be that all the London Fog drinkers are clustering around New York City for a reason? None of the other branches have reported any customers asking for London Fogs. Long Beach has been actively looking for sightings outside New York, but no luck. Even Mrs. Stoker over in New Jersey stuck to a classic Corpse Reviver.

It’s something to think about, but I can’t exactly do that in this stiff, grammatically correct format, can I?

A formal, and far too restrained,
‎ ~No. 161