TIS03 (Dec 18, 1988)

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Summary of Receipt



RECEIPT DATE: 12 18 1988

With all the doom and gloom, we almost missed Christmas. Can’t have that, can we? Especially if Baltz thinks this might be the Cafe’s last yuletide—before it’s even had a proper chance to begin.

Lucy’s back, Luthuli’s finally stopped ducking his ex-coworkers, and even Secret has swung by. Our Secret, not the Cold’s. Man—what a confusing nickname. We really need to sort something better for him. Actually, for all of us. Baltz floated the idea of numbers, and you know what? I like it. :) Always been a fan of numbers.

So here’s my pitch: we’ll go in order of hiring, with each employee number adding up to the big number.. That makes “Secret” Employee #17—1+7. Simple. Plus, it makes the operation look a lot bigger than it is. Bonus. :)

Obviously, we can’t split up the Eight, but I figured the four of us could be a special case. Manager #64 (8²), Manager #18 (1×8), Manager #8811 (88/11), and I’ll just be #8. Sound good? Bit better than the names we’ve been tossing around, don’t you think?

Oh, and I’ve gone ahead and invited Employees #26, #35, and #44—Saturn, Saturn, and Douglas. Yeah, yeah, I know they’re not technically “hired” yet. Saturn’s still negotiating, and Douglas? We’re supposed to be keeping him at arm’s length or whatever.

But come on, man—it’s almost Christmas! The more allies we have before our friendly Cold customers drop by, the better. Assuming they still want me, of course. :)