SINK03 (Aug 7, 2017)

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Summary of Receipt



DATE: 7-8-17

The bad news is in… Stronsay has officially been sighted in Palm Beach. Several tourists and a few family members have claimed to see the terrifying, noxious horseback Stronsay riding along the shore. These sightings have brought with them a whirlwind of fear, confusion, and panic. I'd be shocked if the Agency wasn't already on damage control with how many tourists are claiming to have crossed paths with Stronsay. I think the prevailing rumor is that it's for a horror film that's filming on location, but I think even the tourists know better than that.

I mean, can you really buy that it's a horror movie when countless animals have been found washed up dead in the tide? As if they decayed and rotted overnight? Paired with the thick mists that have been rolling in from the ocean in August... it's a lot to buy into. I mean, just the overwhelming feeling of dread and disorientation has been enough to cause a panic, and I don't think even the Agency can cover this up. Though… if the Agency is already on this case, is there really much we can or should do? Not to say they're better than us or anything, but they have the advantage when it comes to raw numbers. Also… I really don't want to serve Stronsay, personally.

I think the best thing we can do now is aid the Agency in selling coffee to the tourists. They can deal with Stronsay themselves. We can try to restore some semblance of normalcy until Stronsay is served. Unless, of course, the Manager or Payroll has some sort of plan they've found in their research. Speaking of, where the heck is the Manager anyway? He said he was heading out for a bit, but I haven't seen or heard from him in a while. I hope he's okay. I doubly hope he hasn't done anything stupid or reckless.

Peace, Love, and Joy…