SAL01 (Sep 20, 2017)

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Summary of Receipt

224 may have found a cult operating out of the Golden Gate area that's linked to Diptera. Though she and the others can't investigate yet - they need clearance from 8 - they did search for a cult linked to 'salvation', since that was the 'overwhelming sense' she got when first investigating what cult Diptera was linked to.



“You can double eternal salvation? …Yes, I can.”

After a bit of digging, prodding, and general mischief, I believe we’ve stumbled upon a Fast-Food Joint operating out of the general Golden Gate area. Well, okay, “stumbled upon” is doing a lot of heavy lifting for “I have a strong hunch.” Those who know, know, and those who don’t—trust me. It’s not an entirely baseless hunch. Though it is… at best… a loose hunch. We don’t know who, what, where, why, or when… which is a lot of the important Ws we probably need to figure out before pointing fingers.

That being said, we have bits and pieces of those Ws, the main one being that who is related to Mr. Diptera, what is presumably some sort of Fast-Food operation, why has to do with the fly problem we’ve been swarmed with lately, and where, as I mentioned, probably near or around Golden Gate. So, while it’s not a lot to go on, there is still some substance and method to my madness. However, with Mrs. Pleasant hanging around the West Coast and the threat of the DC23 lurking in the shadows, we’ll need to get clearance from the big number to investigate this Fast-Food Operation.

As for this order title, I’ve gone with “Salvation.” Why? Well, again, call it a hunch, but I feel like that’s… the goal? It’s hard to put into words, and even harder to put in diner-appropriate words, but when I first stumbled upon this Fast-Food joint, I got an overwhelming sense of salvation. Some sort of deliverance or separation from suffering and harm. But… at the same time, it’s not exactly the sort of salvation you’d want. There’s something more to this (well, duh, obviously), but I think we need to help in bringing true salvation to those who have been suckered into eating greasy and gross Fast-Food when they should be enjoying a nice black cup of coffee instead.