FOL02 (Aug 21, 2017)

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Summary of Receipt



DATE: 21-8-17

Remember Lucy's Scrying Mirror? That black disk Aka and Florida stole from the Devil's Den and used on Thyrs when they were waking him up? Yeah, I'm starting to think that whatever "concept of a customer" Umbra is trying to bring about is tied to that thing. It's a catalyst of some sort. It has to be. Aplut—that's the customer's name from here on out, by the way. It's not terribly creative, sure, but it'll have to do, considering we don't even know who Umbra is trying to bring into the Dark.

Knowing that Lucy's Scrying Mirror is supposed to bring about Aplut somehow isn't too much help. The mirror can reach into visions of the past, present, and even future. And Lucy's hella connected, you all know that. So… anyone, or hell, any concept from Lucy's past, present, or future? Aplut is dangerous. Or, will be dangerous, assuming Umbra can find a suitable host for it. If Umbra succeeds in his goal of bringing Aplut from the mirror, we're probably going to be facing Lucy's darkest desires and fears. And what the hell could she have to worry about?

It's not good, obviously. But, considering whose mirror it is and all that… it may be time to call in a favor. She owes me one, after all. I've been waiting to cash it in since I doubt she'd ever fall into my debt again. Kinda seems like a waste, though, don't you think? We don't even know what we're up against yet… though is finding out worth it? Or maybe she'd even save us the trouble of prying the stupid trinket out of Umbra's hands. Sure, the Agency seems to be going no-contact with Umbra, but Lucy… Lucy's still a Cafe employee. Maybe not officially or anything, but I don't think she can ever fully get out of the coffee game. Not the one she helped start, anyway.