FFF03 (Dec 11, 1988)

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Summary of Receipt



RECEIPT DATE: 12 11 1988

Hm. Two steps forward, ten steps back, I suppose. Guess you wouldn’t have it any other way, would you, mon amour? It's funny—when I showed you that little “neons” trick, I never imagined you'd use it for something so… trivial. I thought you'd save it for the Cold themselves, if they ever reached our doorstep. Your doorstep. Doesn't feel much like ours at the moment, does it? Oh well. I’m sure this latest burst of paranoia will pass like the rest. And I can’t quite blame you, can I? I’ve seen what the Cold can do firsthand. I’ve felt their insidious threads pricking into my own mind before. I think I would run away too—if I could’ve.

Still, while there’s safety with the neons on, mon amour, they make a sorry scene of it all, don’t they? All that hum and glow, as if they could keep Fate itself at bay. But you know as well as I do—no light, false or otherwise, can stop Fate from beyond the stars. So, if you aren’t going to stop Fate… what has this all been for? Every piece of this Universe. Every second you rewound. Every sacrifice. What was it all for, if not to stand against Fate?

I admit, I can’t pretend to understand your mind—to know the thoughts of someone so... “other.” But I still feel like I know you. And the you I know? He still wants to stop Fate, not just hide from it under a flickering shield.

Of course, that’s easy for me to say from all the way up here in my home, isn’t it? Things are fine here, for the most part. A good deal of paperwork piled up while I was gone, but if that’s the worst of it, I’ll count myself lucky. If my siblings left their posts as long as I have, they’d have far more to clean up than just paperwork. Well, except maybe my oldest sister. Not because there wouldn’t be a mess if she left—she just doesn’t do much to begin with. Honestly, if she weren’t working with my brother on this whole… you know, “rewinding” thing, she might make a pretty decent barista, don’t you think?