CD-DLB06 (May 12, 2020)
“320 Ha-has.”
No. 71 Trivia | 2 Words
Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: No. 71 likes to curl up with a sitcom rerun.
Clue 2: What, categorically, is a ha-ha?
Clue 3: Charles Douglass created it.
Answer and Explanation
Answer: Laff Box
Explanation: The Laff Box contained 320 types of laughter and was effectively the first form of canned laughter, a common feature in sitcoms.
Summary of Receipt
DATE: 5-12-2020
TOTAL: $0.49
"Why are we in such a rush to leave the tide pool when the only things waiting for us on shore are the sands of time and the hungry seagulls of slowly growing apart?"
Totally worth going to the Otherworld to see it in person. This. Place. Is. BONKERS. In a good way, to be clear. It’s like… I don’t even know! It’s like we’re living in some sort of storybook. It certainly feels different than the Flipside or even the Otherside does. But here’s the most interesting thing, in my opinion, the energy here is 100% of this Universe. Well, it’s hard to explain. My powers always have been hard to explain, but like… nothing here feels “wrong,” but it also doesn’t feel “real.” Like a storybook!
No. 26 called it a “soft magic” system or some nerd stuff like that, to me… I’d call it sitcom-esque. It’s the glimmer and gleam of an unchanging fiberglass set with an audience that is cued to clap and cheer on command. We’re literally in a story. And… I think that’s why we can’t get past the River Lethe. We’re not supposed to; it’s not good for the story. What is good for the story? Not sure! But I think the safest bet would be to try and actually follow Orpheus’ myth a bit closer and try and find our way OUT of the Underworld, not deeper in.
It does seem a bit counterintuitive, I suppose. The whole point of the original myth of Orpheus was to trap him in the Underworld forever, right? But—and I mean this very sincerely—I can’t keep No. 1313 from figuring out why No. 3 keeps looking back forever. So! Let’s just go the other way for a bit. Check out Asphodel and maybe even Elysium while we’re at it! There’s so much to see and do here, but it’d be a real shame to keep going down the same stretch of caverns.