CD-CEA01 (Oct 20, 2017)
Knowledge | 4 Words
Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: Following on from C-ASC01, what does CEA bring to mind, keeping in mind 'Z'?
Clue 2: It should really be called CaEA, but oh well.
Clue 3: See C-OAA06 in Debt Come Due, Devil Will Drag Us Under.
Answer and Explanation
Answer: Cults And Esoteric Affairs
Explanation: This is the work description of the Zulu Division.
Summary of Receipt
53 is tasked with investigating the Zulu Cult. While officially a part of Astoria 23, they aren't one of the actual 23 main Divisions, but are more of an allied cult of a mysterious, powerful elder called the Secret that sometimes obeys Alfa's orders. As for what they want the name suggests, it's a secret, but it can be inferred that Secret's got some plans related to Crow's. Speaking of Crow, 53's going to investigate them in the next CEA receipt.
17 has tasked me with the very sacred honor of digging through the quagmires (giggity) of the unknown. She said I was unusually exceptional when it comes to finding things I'm not supposed to know about, and she wanted me to look into a few of the strange salty connections she's been pulling out of that pilfered A23 Hard Drive. As a fair warning: 17 also told me to serve a hot, HOT cup of coffee with these receipts. What is true? What is false? That'll be for you to decide. Sometimes I just like to make things up.
Starting off with the first target of my quest to become the understander of all things esoteric are those who claim to be masters of the esoteric, occult, and cult-like-The Zulus. The 26th Division of the Astoria 23rd Agency, the Zulus, are technically not one of the 23 main divisions, as their leader, Shaka, doesn't directly work for Alfa. Sure, the Zulus and Shaka will play nice with Alfa and do what she wants from time to time, but the final say on what they work on and WHO they work WITH is up to them. Case in point, they gave Solomon's 113rd Temple a nice chunk of change. Why? Well, it seems to me that Shaka's goals might just be aligned with Crow's goals.
But, Amber, sweet maniacal Amber, what are Shaka's goals? That's the million-dollar question, isn't it? No one seems to know. At the end of the day, Shaka's goals are undoubtedly a Secret. With a capital S, mind you. Shaka works for an ancient and mysterious Elder known only as The Secret. It's said that Secret is the embodiment and personification of all things Secret. Though Secret's trueness is… a secret. That's the annoying thing about looking into anything to do with the Zulus or Secret; 9 out of 10 times, the answer is very literally: it's a secret. Regardless, it seems that part of Secret's goals happens to line up with Crow's goals. And what is that little weirdo up to? Well, I still need to cross some Is and dot some Ts, to be sure. So I'll catch you up with Al Crow and his Twice Third Temple in the next one.