CD-ATW01 (Oct 12, 2023)

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“What none of us got.”
Knowledge | 4 Words


Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: It might be wise to go back to the beginning.
Clue 2: Like, the beginning beginning.
Clue 3: Cafe And Diner Zero

Answer and Explanation

Answer: A Quiet Little Cycle
Explanation: In DD-CAD00, the Other Otherman talks about how he wanted to have been in a quiet little cycle where the Cafe and Diner only had to worry about sending minor Cryptids home and occasionally tussling with a lesser Demon or two, but then continues about how that was not what any of them got, since they were hand-picked against the war with Fate.


Summary of Receipt



Receipt: CD-ATW01
Author: Kyle
Status: Cafe Diner
Subject: Business as Usual

Oh, you didn’t hear, did you? I don’t think…

I don’t think Jackie wants anything to do with the Cafe and Diner. Mm… Rachel might. But then again, Rachel is all Jackie has left. I don’t know if we should take away her only support system. That would be pretty selfish. It might be best to just leave them all alone. I mean—I don’t know.

On the one hand, Jackie did always have a soft spot for you, Amber. And maybe,maybe, if you show her everything you’ve accomplished, it could convince her to join. Maybe. On the other hand, your accomplishments didn’t come without some serious costs. I don’t think Jackie would take well to what happened to Alex. Then again, she was never that close to Alex. But Julius at least worked for her and with her as a manager. That might be a tougher pill to swallow.

Look. I know how much having Jackie, your 8, back would mean to you. But don’t push her, okay? Despite your numerous mistakes, I still believe in you, Amber. You can do this without her. You could probably do this without any of us. But I am glad you’re letting everyone in to help you. Just… some people might be sick of coffee, Jackie more than anyone else. Look, I can go with you to Long Beach to talk with her. We can even take Mikey along with us, as he was there from the beginning. And we can see if she might be up for it, but if she isn’t?

Drop it.

Leave them alone, okay? For me.