CD-AMP03 (Sep 24, 2023)

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“Wondering when this serialization is Done.”
Jennifer Trivia | 4 Words


Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: Not 'done', but a last name spelt similarly.
Clue 2: It's not exactly serialization per se. Focus more on 'serial'.
Clue 3: Jennifer's trivia...seems to be linked to time now?

Answer and Explanation

Answer: An Experiment With Time
Explanation: 'Done' is a reference to 'Dunne', who wrote a book called 'An Experimentation with Time' in which he shares his (unpopular) philosophy about time, 'Serialism'.


Summary of Receipt



Receipt: CD-AMP03
Author: Jennifer
Status: Cafe Diner
Subject: Folie

I was hoping that this would be our way out. Part of me really wanted you to succeed, Amber. If you and Alex were able to successfully run the Zulu Division and somehow cut ties with the Secret, we might’ve been able to negotiate the termination of Division Ampersand. Now? It looks like we’re needed more than ever. Someone’s going to have to take on the role of Cults and Esoteric Affairs for the Agency, and I suppose that will be us now. As for the Folistes, as Astrid probably already told you, you’re under our care. You don’t have to join Ampersand officially, and I’d recommend you don’t.

In fact, you have the chance to be free. Take it. If you wait too long, it’ll be too late. When the caffeine wears off, you only have a few precious moments to fall back asleep before you need to take another hit. Hell, you could walk away right now if you wanted to. As far as Ampersand is concerned, you can stay or leave. We’re not going to make you fight a war against a bunch of washed up doomsday nihilists. At the very least, run when I tell you to run, okay? We’re playing a game of chicken with a group who want to intentionally reset the entire Universe to stack the deck in their favor. If you’re still with Division Ampersand when the reset happens, there’s a good chance you’ll be “fated” to join Ampersand in the next Universe, too. You won’t have a chance to be free.

Fate is a strange thing, isn’t it? What’s the difference between the threads of Fate, the predestination of God, and the machinations of a madman? Fate is dead, of course. That much is certain. Though the forces Fate once manipulated are still very much present in the Universe. If they weren’t, Augurs would have stopped seeing them long ago. It all comes back to the esoteric concept of “canonization.” The idea is that when the Universe is rewound, all the loose stray threads floating around get tightened into the Universe itself. Of course, some threads are stronger than others.

I wonder if this is what he really wants—everyone back together but now on the other side of the Cafe. But why? Eh, he probably hasn’t even thought of us, to be honest. We have already served our purpose. All that he cares about now is finding his missing light.