CD-AKO02 (May 22, 2020)

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“Numbers, numbers, numbers!”
No. 53 Trivia | 1 Word


Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: No. 53 is a memelady.
Clue 2: "This is a story all about how my life got flipped, turned upside down..."
Clue 3: This is the video if it's proving to be too much to find: CHzeYR3ga0o

Answer and Explanation

Answer: 19065738569345345
Explanation: 'YTP' stands for the term 'YouTube Poop', which is a genre of YouTube videos that revolve around editing various famous videos to make often-nonsensical parodies of them. Many of these mash-ups, or specific clips of them, go viral. One such clip from the show 'Fresh Prince of Bel-Air' involves a character repeating the word 'numbers' over and over while a string of numbers appears on the screen. Said string of numbers is the answer.


Summary of Receipt



DATE: 5-22-2020
TOTAL: $0.99

THIS PLACE IS THE TITS! And not just because Alecto refuses to put a shirt on. It is seriously swanky here! I guess that’s the perks of being the ruler of an entire mythological afterlife. Man, I kinda feel bad that Hades and his brothers are locked up in a psychological hell with their dismembered parents because this place is NOICE!!! Though, with them being Myths and all, I do kinda have to wonder… do they… y’know… exist when we aren’t there to see them?

On the one hand, they have to, right? I mean, take my good pal from Avalon, Mr. Smith. He must exist when I’m not physically around to interact with him. How else would he know everything he does? He’s… real. He’s alive. On the other hand, if we’ve learned anything from actually checking out the Otherworld in person, everything is so… storybook. Things happen “just because.” So, are all the Myths just like… puppets? Figments of some greater entity? I mean, we straight up just call them Myths, after all. They aren’t people. They aren’t humans. They aren’t demons. They aren’t cryptids. They’re stories. Stories being retold in real life.

However, there was something else I noticed when we first popped out of Tartar Sauce… Nyx looked like she recognized No. 7. It’s hard to explain, but there was an unmistakable twinkle in her twinkly starry eyes. I would bet MY LIFE that she has seen No. 7 before. I didn’t see the same spark of recognition in No. 7’s eyes, though. She was meeting Nyx for the first time, just like the rest of us. Hmmmmm… it makes me wonder what No. 7 was up to for the month she can’t remember.