CADF04 (May 17, 2017)

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Summary of Receipt



DATE: 17-5-17

Wow, you've really taken to the whole, like, Diner-Speak thing, huh? I can hardly make out what you're trying to say! What is the whole deal with your… y'know… fake cockney thing? Cuz, I've heard your actual accent, and it is nothing like that. Besides… don't you think having it spill into your literal text is a bit much? I mean—you do you. If pretending to be Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins makes you happy, go for it! Though—it is a bit troublesome that we have overlapping initials, yeah?

Between N.L., J.L., J.M., and, well, J.M., again, it can be a bit confusing. I could technically go by my legal name, giving us a C.L. instead. But that doesn't really help much… You could also go by your actual birth name… except it also starts with a J, huh? You could just go by your nickname, so R.M. Mm… but that doesn't look right to me for some reason. So! I think we need some actual code names! It only seems right!

As I understand it, they used drink names like Carajillo and Marocchino in the Second Cafe. We could do that again. Or, in the First Cafe, they used numbers that added up to 8… like #1313, #44, or #35. Again—we could do that. But! Why not have some fun with it? Let's do our own thing! And I think it'd be pretty cool if we had, like, Cafe-related titles. So I came up with…

Payroll… mostly because, you know, we all just mooch off her parents' money usually anyway.

Manager… because I think you could use the responsibility. Well, that, and you are probably the most experienced out of all of us.

Big Guy… which might just be what I've already been calling him for most of my life. So, it fits, and I love it!

And for me? H.R.! Human Resources! Because I think that'd be the job that best suits me! I am… sorta realizing that I just ended up with initials again anyway… but, hey, at least they are thematic!

Peace, Love, and Joy!