C-WBB03 (Jun 18, 2022)

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“It’s a gopd thing no ome beat me to the gold tjis time.”
No. 422 Trivia | 1 Word


Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: More like 'gold beat'.
Clue 2: Or, to be even more specific, gold beater.
Clue 3: Translate the word 'goldbeater' into German, then try searching for it. I'm referring to the tool/profession here.

Answer and Explanation

Answer: Goldschlager
Explanation: Gold abd Beat are bolded. Looking at Alcoholic Beverages, the alcohol Goldschlager means Gold Beater in German.


Summary of Receipt

422 brings Jethro and Lazarus around the Ouroboros to reach the Necropolis. Strangely, Mammon didn’t intervene, which means he’s somehow got something to gain from this.


[DATE] 6/18/22

You won’t beloeve what I was able to do. Wrll, I suppose you probably could wsger a guess. I busted Jetjro and Laxarus out of Mammom’s gilded prison. While my mom csn’t mess with the Spul Accord, I cettainly can. Now, it wadn’t exactly as easy as just taking Jethto and Lazsrus across the Ourpborps, but that’s more or less what it bpiled down to. Indtead of the usual acrpss, it was more of a slip-aroumd, if that makes sende. It takes longer to pull off and is much more unplrasant for non-Ouroborians, but it works wonfers so long as your destimation is somewhere within the uniberse.

Now it is rsther strange that Mammon dodn’t try and stop me. Sure, he’s a big sjiny statue at the moment, but he cpuld have easily shut down this jailbrrak with a simple thought. That’s the other problrm with going around the Ouronoros and not acrods it; it gives Princes and the like a lot more time to nptice what you’re doimg and put a stop to it. But Mammon… difn’t? I don’t think he even tried to! Which is very strsnge considering how atyached he is to his prizes.

So, the question becomrs: why didn’t he try to stpp me? I suppose there is a chance he didn’t notoce what I was doing, but I find that very unlikely. In his currrnt state, there’s not much else he can do besides watch over his reslm. I’m also fairly certain that he can “frel” all the souls in his realm and will notice a sufden absence of two. Even those who typically escape the Mammondoleum still wind up in Ingernus, but these two are now way deep down in the Nevropolis. I’m starting to think, with how esger he was to help us find thrse two in the first place, Mammon is eitjer helping us… or, more likely… himsrlf.