C-TSS05 (Feb 5, 2021)

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“Mr. Wells wanted to strike while the Iron was hot in Baltimore.”
Research | 1 Word


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Answer and Explanation

Answer: Uber-Morlocks
Explanation: 'Mr. Wells' is a time-travelling creature dubbed a 'Morlock' - therefore, named after H. G. Wells, who wrote the book 'The Time Machine', featuring Morlocks. In the 2002 film production of said book, there are three types of Morlocks - one being the Uber-Morlocks, only one of which appears in the film, played by Jeremy Irons.


Summary of Receipt



Branch [Long Island]
Date [2021-02-05]
Server [Employee No. 35]
Beverage [Citrus Tea]
File Reference [C-TSS05]

Just to clear things up—Morlocks are not actually the Morlocks from H.G. Wells' novel. If they were, they’d be from Avalon. These "Morlocks" are some kind of demon or cryptid from a Cycle that was way ahead of ours and has since been destroyed. Like No. 62 mentioned, they were given a second chance by the "Goggins," which… I don’t know much about. Neither does anyone I’ve asked. Apparently, they’re one of the Society’s worst antagonists, right up there with the Dillydally Ape and the Bafflegabbers. It’s kinda funny, you know? We have antagonists like Satan, Asmodeus, Umbra, the Morbid King—and they have "Goggins,” “Bafflegabbers,” and “Dillydally.” And Dillydally isn’t even actually an ape, he’s a monkey, but I digress.

Anyway, these Morlocks—probably named because they vaguely resemble H.G. Wells' Morlocks and share a similar story about how they ended up here—aren’t dangerous. Not on their own. The danger comes when they’re used by people or entities like the Goggins, the Dillydally Ape, or the Bafflegabbers. The thing about Morlocks is that they’re… a few steps removed from being a hivemind. They’re incredibly easy to control, and because of their sheer numbers and strength, they can be mobilized like an army on demand. Which is why we need to put them in the Esterskald, not the Hauntaurskald—too many opportunistic demons in Hauntaurskald.

Still… I can’t stop thinking about what Anthony from the Society said. They have no record of Morlocks being in New York in 2021. Someone or something must have brought them here… something that wasn’t supposed to be. And given that Morlocks are typically used as quick and disposable armies, I can’t help but suspect the Morbid King might be involved. We already know the Morbid King has some understanding of dimensional control, considering how he opened the Achegloom. Maybe the Morbid King has more power than we originally thought?