C-TLC04 (Nov 7, 2023)
“They say she made quite the colored deal, snagged quite a steal, or perhaps it ended up more of a steel, as now she’s now shackled up in the sky-like seal.”
See: Z-BIAB02 | 3 Words
Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: What is this 'sky-like seal? And no, it isn't an Empyrean or anything of that sort.
Clue 2: It's somewhat of a Knowledge puzzle, too.
Clue 3: Take a look at A Key Of Three, or the old Replacement receipts. Anything that rhymes and fits the seal's description?
Answer and Explanation
Answer: The Teal Room
Explanation: Doris O'Neal has been imprisoned by the Bingo Cult. Given the rhyming nature of Complexico's puzzle, the word we're searching for ends with -eal. The Teal Room is owned by Felix, is where the Bingo Cult conducts operations, and has been used to contain people before.
Summary of Receipt
Receipt: C-TLC04
Author: Jenny
Status: Cafe
Subject: Bingo Cult
ah ha! suck it complexico! your maddening complexities have no power over me! though dover probably shouldve just let him tell him the answer but whatever. as long as we still got there in the end that’s all that matters. colored, sky-like, shackled up, deal, steel, steal… teal. they put poor old doris o’neal in the blackwood teal room. in hindsight, yeah thats super obvious. i guess we kind of forget that felix is all tied up in this bingo badness, but he is, and they would absolutely leverage his inescapable, indetectable, incomprehensible room to their benefit.
it also explains why the indigos havent been able to track down doris o’neal on their own yet. i dont even really get what the whole deal is with the teal room, but i know that at the very least it obscures whatevers inside it from prying eyes. i also know that only a blackwood can open the teal room. luckily, we have a blackwood on our side!!!! though we are pretty far from the big easy and even if we rolled up to the abandoned blackwood manor, i seriously doubt felix wouldve just left his shiz unwarded.
ideally, we could just sort of… i don’t know… “skip?” all of the manor and just pop out right in front of the teal room. then sarah could open the door and we grab the grandma and get the hell out of there before felix’s magic turns us inside out or something. without a fixed portal location, it’d be pretty tricky to line something like that up in the otherside. i guess i could use my second sight to get us pretty close… oh! and we have the other jenni too and her second sight is wayyyy better than mine. still, itd be risky… but im always down for some risk baby!
anyway i love you all and don’t forget to buzz in when you know!
~jenny wells <3