C-TCS04 (Aug 15, 2001)
“Favorite snack of Mr. Nusa.”
See: C-TCS03 | 1 Word
Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: What does Mr. Nusa eat?
Answer and Explanation
Answer: Electricity
Explanation: In C-TCS03, it’s mentioned that Mr. Nusa eats electricity.
Summary of Receipt
Espresso agrees with Carajillo’s theory (in TAGS02) and asks for his help with handling Mr. Nusa by smearing some vodka near some wires, then igniting it. Mr. Nusa should inhale the fumes, making it drowsy, and allowing the CaD to catch it.
RECEIPT AS OF: 8/15/01
Bat's breath, I think the kid is onto something! If there are a bunch of portals opening up all around Long Beach, that would explain the influx of such varied creatures from the Esterskald to Mayda to the Ouroboros. Heck, I think that'd solve how Red Eye's Clockwork Serpent wiggled out without her permission. Though, I wonder if these wall paintings are acting less like portals and more like artificial tears in the Otherside. If that's the case, whoever painted them wouldn't need to be pumping their own magic into them and thus wouldn't be risking a magical collapse.
Whatever the case, we've got a slippery son of a gun chowing down on every wire and cable it can get its little fangs into. While I appreciate Carajillo's curiosity, I could really use his BANG BOOM POW FIRE POWERS to help capture the Clockwork Serpent. Seeing as it's made out of metal, I don't think a bit of fire would hurt it too much, and what I'm thinking is we splash a good deal of (cheap) vodka around some wires, and then WHOMF! Carajillo lights it up just enough to make some strong enough vapors to subdue this beasty.
Of course, I could do it myself. But I'm worried about the whole setting a bunch of ethanol on fire part. It's great if that'll work… but then what do I do with all the fire everywhere? Plus, if we're going to slip it into a jar of alcohol, we need the already burning alcohol to… well… stop. If the kid can create fire, he's gotta be able to put it out, right? Plus, I don't want to be fumbling with matches, potentially spooking the poor snake off into his time pocket. Especially if that time pocket might be big enough to take me with it now. That and I'd like to see him do it again. It was so neat the first time!