C-STS04 (Oct 9, 2023)

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“Fain to fight, big or little.”
Travis Trivia | 2 Words


Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: Travis is a cowboy through and through, down straight to their choice of movies.
Clue 2: Fain is part of the gang in this movie.
Clue 3: Both "big" and "little" share the same nickname.

Answer and Explanation

Answer: Big Jake
Explanation: In Big Jake, Fain was warned that Jacob "Little Jake" will be killed if Jacob "Big Jake" doesn't do what the gang want.


Summary of Receipt



Receipt: C-STS04
Author: Travis
Status: Cafe
Subject: Business as Usual

Shoot, I wasn’t expecting y’all to literally go all the way to hell, just for my sake. Though I reckon it’s about time I took up that “freelance consultation” position, what have you. Still a little too close to the Agency for my liking, but if’n everyone else is gonna be there, I can’t say no, can I? Plus, I think I’ve had just about enough of this demon swill to last a lifetime. Afterlife time? Not sure about the semantics on that one.

And before anyone asks if I died—I’m still human. Neat perk of how the Hauntaurskald is set up. If’n you can kill a demon out in Pandemonium, witch or not, you’re welcome in the Vile City and won’t suffer the usual fish-out-of-water death. I already caught up with Amber a while ago, and I told most of you in person before actually leaving, but for those who didn’t already know, I was here to kill my dad. Again. He died in the Flipside not too long ago, and based on the kinda life he lived, I reckoned he’d end up in the Hauntuarskald. I didn’t want him to actually be welcomed into the Vile City or nothin’, so I went and took care of that myself.

Of course, it was a one-way ticket—at least I was expectin’ it to be. Sure, I figured if someone needed me, they could come get me out. Or, shoot, maybe if’n Satan came back to life, he’d kick me out on his own. But, as luck would have it, my expected lifetime in the Vile City was brighten’ by none other than Ned Langley. I suppose he was on some sort of vacation? Not my first pick, but he kept me good company here in hell. We did a bit of drinkin’, a lotta fightin’, and a heck of a lot of camping under the brimstone skies.