C-SAL04 (Oct 16, 2017)
“The password is not Plan.’”
Knowledge | 1 Word
Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: How do I say this...it's right there.
Clue 2: Have you ever heard of reverse psychology, by any chance?
Answer and Explanation
Answer: Plan
Explanation: Turns out the password is, in fact, Plan.
Summary of Receipt
224 details their plan for the raid on the 17th, the next day. There's two teams, Michael and Buster. Michael will be led by 2313, Nathaniel, while Buster will be lead by 224. In any case Michael will be the distraction team while Buster will sneak round via the back door and infiltrate Crow's office.
"Hey you know what, Do you have a rundown that I could take a look at? Just so I know what type of rundown you're looking for?"
Hiya! So, here's a rundown on what's going down on the 17th...
We'll have two teams. Michael and Buster. Both teams will be paying a visit to our local Jedidiah's Finger-Lickin' Chickn' on the 17th (that's tomorrow). Team Michael will be led by our secret weapon of sorts. You know him and love him, Employee 2131, A.K.A Nathaniel. And team Buster will be led by moi. Hard to tell which of us is writing this, huh? Moi could be any of the legendary and dangerous T R I P L E T H R E A T. But, obviously, the quote at the top should be a dead giveaway.
Michael will be going in the front, and Buster will go through the back (that's what she said). Buster will be putting on the song and dance while Michael brings out the razzle-dazzle for Jedidiah's best boy. Impossible to say if our enigmatic avian friend will be there, but I sure hope not. That would be awful. It would interfere with Nathaniel's little present drop-off at 10:00 AM sharp. After 2131's deposit, Buster will sneak off into the best boy's main office A.K.A "The Dungeon" of which we can only assume there will be dragons. Can you imagine those dragons? Haha, that's a little joke for 323. Anyway, there is no way Jedidiah will see this coming.
Assuming all goes well, and it will, we will have all that we need to put a stop to Crow and Jedidiah's and the flies and whatever else we're trying to put a stop to. To be honest, I've kind of lost track. Anyway!
Much love from the Triple Threat!