C-RN1104 (Oct 18, 2023)

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“J, G, S, M, R, B…”
Sahir Trivia | 1 Word


Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: Sahir is known for his connections.
Clue 2: Who's missing?
Clue 3: Archly, I said, "Maybe Angel can help."

Answer and Explanation

Answer: Uriel
Explanation: Those are the initials of the 7 arch angels. Jophiel, Gabriel, Samael, Michael, Raphael, Barachiel. The only one not there is Uriel.


Summary of Receipt



Receipt: C-RN1104
Author: Sahir
Status: Cafe
Subject: Joy

You know, I’m not terribly fond of calling in my reserved connections. On the other hand, why not? The world—Universe even—might be coming to an end soon, and it is better to use than to lose. As for my Black Thorn-based connections, I have three. In escalating order of importance, obscurity, and relevance—Solomon Langley, Uriel, and… Lilith. To be fair, Solomon hardly counts as an obscure connection; he’s one I’ve called quite a few times, and he was even with the Cafe for the whole Abraxas Stones fiasco. His brother also works with us, obviously. Still—he knows the Black Thorn better than most.

The other two? Pricey connections to call upon. An Archangel and the Mother of Demons—prized numbers I have never thought to call upon as they are likely single-use methods of reaching either of them. Uriel, for what it’s worth, we have some wiggle room with. With the Angel on our side, we at least have a vector to the Topside and the Court of Angels. Though, this is Uriel, after all. Getting in touch with a regular angel is tedious enough (except when they show up repeatedly at your Cafe). Archangels are an entirely different league of bothersome—and he’s not just any Archangel, he’s one of the seven big ones.

But then, then there is my true prize. My greatest and closest guarded connection. Lilith. One of, if not the hardest, demons to get in touch with. It doesn’t help that she spends all of her time outside of ours. Well, it’ll be interesting to see if this ring even works. I suppose I could consult with Solomon and Uriel about that first. I’d hate to end up trapped in a space beyond space with the Mother of Demons. Though, it does beg the question, now that the Devil is out as well, would he be there with her? Or is he hanging around the Topside battling with the Bird?