C-PLST05 (Dec 1, 2023)
“What’s done is undone.”
Jenny Trivia | 2 Words
Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: The letters seem to be scrambled. What's the equivalent of doing that for a deck of cards?
Clue 2: So when is that 'undone'?
Clue 3: It's named after a person.
Answer and Explanation
Answer: Zarrow Shuffle
Explanation: The Zarrow Shuffle is a trick wherein it looks like you are doing a riffle shuffle (splitting the deck in two and interleaving them) but you use the top card to hide the fact that you're cancelling the shuffle, leaving the deck in the exact order it was in, similar to the 'misspelling' of the words 'what's done'.
Summary of Receipt
Receipt: C-PLST05
Author: Jenny
Status: Cafe
Subject: Joy
wowowowow!! i was not expecting one more poem from racheyrach!! i kinda felt like the last poem she did was the big final last-LAST poem, you know? but! i am not going to complain about one last rachel poem! in fact i am going to do my best to try and unravel its secrets. she said that she wrote it using the threads of fate so its gotta have some juicy secrets hidden within it. plus i haven’t really been uhhhh auguring much lately so ive gotten a bit rusty at the whole “seeing beyond seeing” shiz.
so right off the bat we’ve got a very clear reference to the cold elders we no scoped: fate, wicked, and phantom. now that first couplet (is couplet the right word??? im not a poetry expert tbf) is pulled from the poem uriel. so it was already sorta existing… though rach did make it a little more clear that fate is now dead-dead. however the next verse(?) stanza(?) part(?) goes into the one cold elder we did not get a chance to kill (yet) secret!
more over, this part of her poem seems to be referencing the final secret of jean-marc chasussy. its something that old jeany boy hid in the cadcom data base. something that secret doesn’t even fully know about because he tasked amber and alex with finding it. however i think alex knows what it is. follow me on this babes… alex, who was turned into the new indrid cold by secret, came to babble some cryptid stuff at ichy recently. one of the things he said was (and i am paraphrasing as i am too lazy to go find that receipt again) “i wanted to see sunshine” or something, right? and the last secret, as described by rach isssssss “a hidden burst of sunshine beams”