C-OSO05 (Dec 24, 2019)

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“Mrs. Lludd in Baltimore.”
Research | 1 Word


Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: And the tape is rolling. Mrs. Lludd, can you tell us who you are?
Clue 2: We are one of the three plagues of Britain.
Clue 3: Our impeccable hearing helps us against King Lludd.

Answer and Explanation

Answer: Coraniaid
Explanation: This is Mrs. Lludd's Baltimorean name.


Summary of Receipt

Employee 17 theorises about the creation of the Otherworld. Since Planes do just…happen - Amaymon just appeared below Mayda one day - and others can get split (something split the Skald into the Hauntaurskald and Esterskald), it’s possible that Lucifer’s death caused a new plane to be created.


DATE: 12/24/2019
TOTAL: $0.34
Well, it would seem Christmas has come early this year. Managers 4 and 5, along with 44A, were able to bring back an Otherbeing for us to study, a Coraniaid.

Coraniaids, according to Welsh legend, are little people who can hear any spoken word. They were one of the three plagues in what would become London. They have only two known weaknesses, one of which Manager No. 5 was able to confirm. They cannot hear words that have passed through brass, and they can be killed by an unknown mixture of insects and water. Now which insect specifically is toxic to Coraniaids is a bit of mystery, partially because we didn’t think Coraniaids existed a month ago. Now we could try out a few different insects and see what happens, but we would also lose our only living Otherbeing subject. So that test will have to wait.

My current theory is that Coraniaids and the other Celtic customers we’ve been dealing with come from the Otherside. Perhaps from a plane or part of a plane, we have never seen or heard of. While it seems unlikely, historical texts do support the possibility of new planes appearing in the Otherside, such as the Amaymon/Necropolis, which appeared at the bottom of the endless ocean of Mayda. Also, the Skald used to be a singular plane before it was split. So could these Celtic Otherbeings be from some new plane or from a part of an existing plane? Perhaps… In fact, it could be tied to the death of Lucifer, Prince of the Morningstar. Perhaps her death fragmented the Morningstar? Well, there are undoubtedly many unknowns still, but having this subject will certainly help with research into the matter. Hopefully, we can figure it out soon enough to deal with Mrs. Kay.