C-OOO06 (Nov 19, 2023)

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“A small problem.”
See: CD-OOO05 | 1 Hyphenated Word


Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: Not a problem for them, but for the Order.
Clue 2: What small thing is Brent using to contact the CaD?

Answer and Explanation

Answer: CaDCom-Mini
Explanation: In CD-OOO05, it says that Brent is able to send updates on the problem via the CaDCom-Mini, fitting the clue small and problem.


Summary of Receipt



Receipt: C-OOO06
Author: Salenna
Status: Cafe
Subject: The Daggers

I just got word from Brent; it seems like Doris O’Neal is dead. It’s not clear if the Daggers did it or if she just happened to die in their custody. She was like 80-something and warped around multiple dimensions… so it might’ve just been semi-natural causes. Of course, it seems like the Daggers couldn’t care less if she was alive or dead, as they wanted something that was inside her head. Brent wasn’t sure what exactly, but from how he described it, there was something physically in her brain that was making her into some sort of super Augur.

Brent also mentioned seeing what looked like the same crystal Joy is trapped in. Not just that, but multiple crystals. He’s fairly certain that none of them are actually Joy, but the sort of xanthic-amber was very similar, if not the same material Joy is frozen in. They also apparently had the corpse of what looked like the Netzach strung up. Brent mentioned that they were interested in him working on that project due to his experience and proximity to the Netzach while it was in Zulu hands.

Lastly, Brent said he ran into Warden. Well, ran into the facility they’re keeping Warden in. It seems like they didn’t join the Daggers willingly but were captured at some point. From what Brent could see, they’ve been doing some pretty extensive experiments on Warden, probably in an attempt to replicate their wavelength manipulation and Elder-killing powers. Well, with Doris no longer needing rescue, I suppose we could switch our focus to Warden. Though, it’ll be a miracle if we could get Brent out at this point, considering what he’s already seen.