C-LBN06 (Apr 17, 2020)

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“Vehemently hated.”
Knowledge | 1 Word


Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: Do you know the plot of Open Doors?
Clue 2: The black notebook is one of Satan's. Is there a word that means 'vehemently hated' that is linked to Satan?
Clue 3: Maybe a certain proxy?

Answer and Explanation

Answer: Anathemas
Explanation: The clue is this word’s definition, and it’s also referenced in the previous LBN receipts (assuming you've gone through Open Doors, at least). That is a reference to the Anathemas, which Satan was attempting to make the First Cafe's members into during the events of Open Doors.


Summary of Receipt



DATE: 4-17-2020
TOTAL: $0.57

Miss. Ojai was definitely connected to the notebook. After his tab was paid in full yesterday, the burning and sulfur smell emanating from the notebook became a lot stronger. Not only that, but the notebook was generating heat, almost as if one of the pages inside was burning. If I had to guess, that’s exactly what happened. We know that the Char Man’s blood signature was one of the 11 blood signatures attached to the book. So, I’m wondering now that he’s dead if it’s gone? I’ll have No. 62 rerun the scans when he’s free.

With what Miss. Ojai told Team 4 I’m starting to understand what this notebook is. Or, at least, what it might be. Assuming Ojai was mostly telling the truth, his goal was to free Satan from his imprisonment by using the blood of the “Anathemas,” which would be, The Owner, #17, #26, #35, #44, #53, #62, #71, and #1313 from the first Cafe. I’m not sure if he means blood or “blood,” as the term blood is surprisingly vague when it comes to demons. The most logical answer would be literal liquid blood, as humans don’t have blood signatures like demons. However, some esoteric schools of thought believe humans also have a blood signature. It’s either just vastly weaker than demons, or it could even be unified. Ojai could have also been using “blood” more poetically, simply meaning the Anathemas need to die to bring back Satan.

Unfortunately, we can no longer ask Ojai what he meant, seeing as he is far down south, though I have a feeling we’ll find out what he meant eventually. I would also guess that the Anathemas who are still with the Cafe and Diner probably know, right? Of course, No. 1, No. 44A, and No. 44B are busy at the Hotel, and No. 0 and No. 17 are busy with something at Blackwood Manor. So… maybe once any of them get back, they can explain what exactly is going on. Though the exact purpose of the notebook remains a mystery, it’s clear that it has something to do with Satan returning.