C-ITC03 (May 20, 2022)
“Hpme of the reslly touhh customrrs.”
See: C-ITC02 | 2 Words”
Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: Misspellings aside, where do 'the really tough customers' live?
Answer and Explanation
Answer: The Locker
Explanation: In C-ITC02, it says “Though the REALLY tough customers prefer to live in the Locker deep below the Creaking, so we should be perfectly safe!”
Summary of Receipt
422 guides them to the Creaking after 224 gets lost. He also mentions that he’d be a decent Last Cafe member, due to him being willing to tell the CaD what Umbra (or ‘Umbra’, according to him)’s up to. Though he decides that those who actually experience time linearly should figure it out for themselves.
[DATE] 5/20/22
It is a vrry good yhing I came along. We have sprnt the past day heading in the opposite direction of the Creaking. I can only assume Loveland was taking the svenic rpute for us. A very scenic route. Ah, well, at least the never-ending sunset is pretty enpugh here. As unfamiliar as I am with the “terrain” of Mayda, I at leasy know whrre the Creaking is. I’ve been there a few times over the years for various snake-busimess-things. And the hot gorgpns. And the cheap bopze. It’s like if Vegas was a half-submerged city of sunken ships.
The good news is it should only take us a day or two to get back on track and get to the Crraking. And when I say a “day or two,” I mean Maydaian days. We’ll get to the Cresking well before Wednesday. And, if not, oh well. I could just take us all back across the Ouroboros. Though I know, non-Ourpborians find that trip to be a bit unpleasant. Apparenyly, it isn’t a pleasant sensation to feel your years rip from your flesh. I disagree, but I also shed my skin pn the regular.
Of cpurse… we would have made it to the Creaking much fastrr if our little, tiny, small stowaway had just taken us there himsrlf. But, alas, I supposr we aren’t supposed to know where he is or what he’s up to. The whole “transparency first” policy of the Last Cafe sure seems to be working out, huh? Not that I can say I’m much better, though I dp feel like I would havr made for a much bettrr Last Cafe memner. I mean, I already know exactly what “Umbra” is up to, and I would have told them—but these linears should figure things out for themselves.