C-GITT02 (Oct 18, 2021)

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“Another Ghost in the Pipeline.”
No. 35 Trivia | 2 Words


Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: Look at the 'incorrectly'-capitalized words.
Clue 2: Minus the 'line'.
Clue 3: No. 35 has a green thumb. The binomial name will do.

Answer and Explanation

Answer: “Ghost” and “Pipe” refer to the ghost pipe flower, Monotropa uniflora.


Summary of Receipt

Employee 35 leaves a receipt explaining the Achegloom. It was opened by the Morbid King, unleashing Miss. 112 and her ghosts. Achegloom was sealed up, but some ghosts can still seep through. However, they don’t work the same way as all their other customers, so since 35’s the only one who bothered to learn them, he’s tagging along with Manager 7. 53 and Manager 3 are also coming along in case it isn’t an Achegloom monster.


[DATE] 10/18/21
Hi everyone! First receipt for the new system! My first receipt in a while, actually… I don’t usually have much to say about the Archive work, and I rarely get called out for actual fieldwork. Seeing as the Haunting is still being kept under wraps, I feel like I should bring any newcomers up to speed with London Fogs, one of our newer drinks.

London Fog, also known as the Achegloom, is the sixth realm of the Otherworld known to us. While the other realms of the Otherworld tend to draw from specific mythologies, the Achegloom is primarily a realm inhabited by ghosts, specters, and other incorporeal entities from various mythologies. It was opened by the Morbid King as part of his assault on the Necropolis. As such, it is linked to the Everdark, though it is distinctly “otherworldly” in design and function. Not sure how much else I can say about the Achegloom and our history with it… but I guess I can probably state the obvious. Or, well, semi-obvious. Obvious to us, at least. With the opening of the Achegloom, a powerful spirit, Miss. 112, was released and caused us quite the headache. Though we didn’t just deal with Miss. 112, we also dealt with a good deal of other customers who drink London Fogs as they flooded the Flipside at her invitation. We recently put a stop to Miss. 112, and since then, the Achegloom has been somewhat sealed up. However, the problem with Otherworld planes is that they can’t be easily closed once they are opened. So even though we have fewer ghosts to deal with, they are still a problem.

All that said, our customers who enjoy London Fogs don’t operate under the same “rules” or “standard behaviors” as any other customer. They require special tools to be found and interacted with and to remove them or return them to the Achegloom, special procedures must be followed. And guess who is the only one who bothered to learn them all? Me! So that’s why I tagged along, in case 7 isn’t able to control Mrs. Hanako. Now there is a chance Mrs. Hanako is not a type of ghost. She could be a Shade, which is more of a Corpse Reviver type of problem, or she could just drink straight OJ. That’s why 53 & 3 tagged along too. Well, I think 3 tagged along for other reasons, but… that’s just speculation. Now that we’re all set up, we’ll check out the high school as soon as we can clear it with the staff.