C-FSTF09 (Sep 15, 2017)
“The best play.”
See: C-MGMS08 | 2 Words
Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: What's the name of the 'best play' in C-MGMS08?
Answer and Explanation
Answer: Option 4
Explanation: In C-MGMS08, it says “All in all, I think the best play here is Option 4, of course, but that’s contingent on what the Triple Threat want to do.”
Summary of Receipt
134 and 224...convince...125 to take them to investigate Mrs. Stevens. They haven't gotten her to eat yet, so they can't start tracking where the flies come from. Though 134 does mention that the flies are definitely not from the Otherside - if they were Blackflies, they'd have bigger issues to worry about. Regardless, for now, they're just camped out waiting for Stevens to eat again.
I hardly think we could pass up such an amazing opportunity! Yes, 125 was less than thrilled to chauffeur us around again, but I believe the Owner did say we are meant to be 224’s moral support, correct? And nothing would make 224 happier than a quick trip over to the Rim, where 17, 26 & 3113 stashed Mrs. Stevens for us to take a look at. And I would offer to drive us, but as we all know, my license was unjustly revoked. And 224 is unable to get her license. It’s truly a conundrum, isn’t it?
In any case, if you hadn’t picked up on it yet—we did force our poor 125 to take us to see Mrs. Stevens. So far, Mrs. Stevens has been in a rather foul mood, though I would be too if I was chained up in some dusty cave. So far, we have been unable to get the beast to eat, which according to 26, would cause the mysterious Mr. Diptera flies to appear. If that is the case, we might be able to spot the true source of the flies, as I doubt it’s purely spontaneous generation. Though there are a few legends of such a phenomenon occurring in and around the Esterskald, spontaneous generation of that kind would produce a Cryptid type of fly known as Blackflies. These are not Blackflies, as we’d have much more to worry about if they were.
However, first, we need Mrs. Stevens to eat. I have no idea how frequently such a creature eats, but hopefully, it does not take too long. The tricky part is that it only seems to eat very fresh game. So, unfortunately, we’ve wasted a few shrews already. We'll stay camped out here as we wait for Mrs. Stevens’ appetite to return. Despite 125’s complaining, I think she’ll enjoy this break from the hustle and bustle of the city.