C-FLB03 (Jan 22, 2024)
“CADN01 P3W200.”
Knowledge | 1 Word
Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: You're searching for a specific word (or 'word') in CADN01 - in P3, more specifically W200.
Clue 2: [EXPUNGED-W1R0], huh? Did the receipt always have that word? (Take a look at the Wiki's copy of it, if you want.)
Clue 3: So the phrase was eventually corrected in an update. Is there a term for that?
Answer and Explanation
Answer: Errata
Explanation: CADN01 refers to the receipt of that same name. P3 stands for Paragraph 3, while W200 refers to the 200th word of the receipt - ‘[EXPUNGED-W1R0]’, which used to be the words ‘Orpheus Bureau’ before being changed afterwards. In other words, it was a phrase that was corrected after being sent out - an errata. Incidentally, this is the same terminology used as the method the Cold Elders used to detect the use of the number 8 in the Gelid Archive.
Summary of Receipt
[Date | Jan-22-24]
[Barista | Lavender]
[Subject | Business as Usual]
[File Reference | C-FLB03]
I gave her our card, and that’s as much as I wanted to do. She’s genuinely terrified and, to be honest, I’m a little freaked out by this whole “Erratas” thing, too o_o. I was checking back through the CaDCom Receipts, and it looks like they already found and “corrected” us once. I guess Hibiscus used their name in her first receipt, and it received a Warning 1. Hazelnut says that’s nothing serious, and we should only really be freaked out if we receive a Rectification… but even just a warning means they know about us, right? O_O
Lavender: Hey… are you… [The Practitioner]?
Practitioner: Who wants to know?
Lavender: Oh—right, uh, I’m not with… your former employer or anything like that. I’m with the Cafe and Diner.
Practitioner: I told [Hazelnut] to leave me alone.
Lavender: Yeah, no, I got that. That’s why I wanted to talk to you without him here. Don’t worry—we’ll leave you alone after this. We just wanted to see if we could help…?
Practitioner: You shouldn’t.
Lavender: Why not?
Practitioner: Seattle, 2019.
Lavender: Uh…
Practitioner: The original Cafe and Diner. Who do you think burnt it down?
Lavender: I’ll level with you, I have no clue. I just found out about this whole Otherside-whatever a few weeks ago.
Practitioner: Oh. I see. Well, you know the Cafe and Diner you work for isn’t the original one, right?
Lavender: I surmised.
Practitioner: Well, it got in the way of my former employers so they burnt it down, killing everyone inside.
Lavender: I see… who are your former employers, anyway?
Practitioner: I can’t say.
Lavender: You’re… scared… no, terrified… why?
Practitioner: Erratas.
Lavender: Erratas?
Practitioner: They have access to a thing called Erratas… E.B.M.F.s… Errata-Based Meta Filters, specifically. It lets them “listen” for certain words and phrases. It lets them find you—and… “correct” you. Even just mentioning Erratas puts both of us at risk.
Lavender: That’s… pretty powerful. Even just saying it out loud lets them find you?
Practitioner: Mm-hm. Which is why I’m trying to keep a low profile.
Lavender: I see… so it really wouldn’t be safe for you to help us?
Practitioner: Probably not, no. I’m not so worried about myself—I’m already dead; it just depends on when they feel like plunging the final dagger in. But… I don’t want to draw attention to [Hazelnut] or your Cafe and Diner.
Lavender: Hang on… the original Cafe and Diner got in their way so they killed them, right? So… with their Errata whatevers… surely they know a new Cafe has popped up, right?
Practitioner: It’s very likely… but I suspect, or hope at least, that your owner hasn’t been using any of the keywords associated with the Cafe and Diner. That would help keep it under the radar. Beyond that… they’re… busy… too busy to care about you unless you get in their way.
Lavender: Okay… well… I get the feeling you want to stay hidden. I think that might be for the best, but we could really use your help getting a Chupacabra back to the Otherside. So, here’s our card… if you change your mind.
Practitioner: Thank you… Peppermint?
Lavender: Lavender, actually.