C-CAD02 (Oct 15, 2022)

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“Jean-Marc, Abraxas, Eve, Indrid, Julius and Joy”
Knowledge | 2 Words


Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: Take their numbers.
Clue 2: Julius and Joy make 10, while Jean-Marc is 1.
Clue 3: Abraxas and Eve were King and Queen of their Paradises.
Clue 4: Indrid Cold is Jack Octo.
Clue 5: Now, there is 10, Jack, Queen, King, 1 or Ace.

Answer and Explanation

Answer: Royal Flush
Explanation: Julius and Joy are Managers 4 and 6 - together, 10 - while Jean is I, or 1. Abraxas and Eve were 'king and queen' of their Paradises respectively, while Indrid Cold is Jack Octo. 1, King, Queen, Jack, 10 - a Royal Flush.


Summary of Receipt



[DATE] 10/15/22

Disappearing Princes of Hell is never a good sign, is it? And what does Belphegor do in response? She vanishes. How helpful. I suppose it’s in her nature to run instead of fight, but I can’t imagine she’ll be able to run far. She’s right about one thing, though—the worst thing any of the remaining Princes could do now is run headfirst into Eve’s web. What she doesn’t see is that Eve’s web is woven through every stretch of this Universe—maybe even beyond it, into the Topside as well. She’s got Angels, Demons, Elders, all manner of beings working for her, weaving their own webs… running will only get you caught faster.

But I’m not a Prince, am I? So, it’s not my call to make. Still, I’m almost certain Leviathan didn’t make it far before being dragged back to the rotting husk of Eden. Lucifer? Already dead, burned away by blight and the Wicked. Mammon, if our little expedition is right, is already working for Eve in Eden. Satan, who’d do anything to see his father freed, is probably in the same boat. Belphegor’s run off to warn Beelzebub. Leviathan’s missing, and I’d wager he’s already ensnared. Asmodeus was slain by Eve through Ursula as her proxy.

It seems the chips are down, and Eve’s going all in. As I understand it, she’s betting that by releasing the Devil—Abraxas—he’ll help her restore her Utopia to what it should have been. Then, God willing, reset the Universe with her vision intact. What she either doesn’t see or is willfully ignoring is that there are others at the table, eager to bet and unwilling to fold. Namely, Fate, Phantom, Secret, and Wicked—the four Archons who call themselves the Cold. They also want Abraxas released, all part of Fate’s incomprehensible design.

While the cards have yet to be dealt, I can tell you who I think will come out on top: Fate. Fate’s already bested Eve once before, and I highly doubt her knowledge alone will give her the upper hand this time. It’s one thing to know what cards your opponent’s drawn—but it doesn’t matter when they’ve already decided they’re drawing a royal flush.