C-BMN07 (Feb 28, 2020) (Sequence III)
“Wait, you’re telling me it’s not “Passwords of a feather flock together?”
Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: Yeah. 'cause that's not how the saying goes.
Clue 2: Passwords don't have feathers, mate.
Clue 3: Then what does?
Answer and Explanation
Answer: Birds Of A Feather
Explanation: The saying goes that "Birds of a feather flock together."
Summary of Receipt
The Managers interpret the two poems. Essentially, Lucifer’s child somehow created the Otherworld, and Poseidon’s searching for his Antekey in New Orleans. The Southern Plane of the Otherworld is therefore likely Olympus.
DATE: 2-28-2020
Understanding Miss. Bad’s cryptic poems will be key to gaining an advantage moving forward. As such, I would implore the Managers to add their thoughts here. Thanks -J
Babe of Lucifer with locks of gold,
Half-Prince unleashing horrors fourfold.
To the north the Ravens flies,
to the south the Golden Swan lies,
to the east the Princess and her Toad plots,
and from the west we Crows circle the ersatz.
Yet, do not blame your kin ‘n youth,
for the man in gold cuffs knows the truth.
He seeks a prize in and at The End,
my advice would be to trust your friends.
[M5] Right, so... "'Alf Prince" and "Babe of Lucifer" is all pretty clear, choice? Lucy had a child before she went 'n kicked it.
[M1] Mm hm. Furthermore, her child is somehow the key to Otherworld.
[M4]Four regions.
[M3]Yes. While the Northern Plane and Southern Plane can only be assumed, the East and West are clearly Nightmarch and Avalon.
[M7]Man in gold cuffs...
[M0]Yes. I'm aware of the implications. Nothing to fear but the deadly darkness of the unknown.
Dark tomb below the ocean deep,
sleeps the beasts of hellish creep.
Slow his sunken maw will gape,
swallowing all who can't escape.
‘O the dark ‘n mighty God of Sea,
searches for his earthly antekey.
Will he find it in [17]’s home?
Lost ashore in eldritch foam?
It takes the form of a precious pearl,
deep below where the black tides twirl.
[M4]Demon fish.
[M6]...yeah, Demon Fish. Something like very powerful.
[M1]God of the sea could be Neptune. Perhaps the Southern Plane is Olympus?
[M3]Could be. Although I'm more worried about what an "antekey" is.
[M6]I sense it holds similar properties to, like, the keys of hell.
[M7]It sounds like we're looking for a pearl though.
[M0]Yes, somewhere in 17's home.