C-APT06 (Sep 23, 2017)
“Rotten potatoes green with mold.”
See: C-APT05 | 2 Words
Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: The Manager's Cockney accent involves switching words with suitable rhyming words.
Clue 2: What group of Elders rhymes with 'Mold'?
Answer and Explanation
Answer: The Cold
Explanation: C-APT05 uses this description to refer to the Cold.
Summary of Receipt
DATE: 23-9-17
A win and a loss. Pleasant, of course, slipped through the last of the Lanes Between he had been hunting down—if his words are anything to go by, he's found a lil' back door into the Topside—paradise. Now, I've been skeptical that the Enochian Bible even exists… but if it does, it'd probably be somewhere in the Topside, choice? But… Jules—Big Guy—I think he's willin' to come back, seein' as the Mothman is muckin' about with the Cold.
Welcome back. I won't let you down again.
Manager: Right. Well, I'll leave you lot with that riddle an' me an' Pleasant should be getting back to Florida. My team can contain 'im, and maybe we can ransom 'im off to the Dark.
Pleasant: Oh, goody, I get to leave. Except I'm not going back to the Dark.
Manager: Oh? Whyzat? Trouble in paradise?
Pleasant: Yes. That's the plan. Now, this has been a very fun game of cops and robbers, but I must be going.
[The final Lane Between cracked open above Pleasant as he broke from his restraints and disappeared into a space betwixt.]
Manager: Oi! What in the seven hells-
26: That's not good.
Manager: Oh yeah? You think so, Jules? Bloody 'ell… You see what we're dealing with, eh? It's your choice, mate. I can't force your hand. But think about my offer, choice? If not for me, for [Payroll]. She misses you. [H.R.] too.
26: Hm.
8: …What just happened?
Manager: Lane Between.
8: A… what?
26: No… What is Pleasant doing messing around with the Phantom?
Manager: Isn't that the million-dollar question, Jules? I'm not sure if it's part of the Dark's schemes or Pleasant's own… but I reckon he just found a backdoor to paradise.
8: Sorry—what is a "Lane Between." Who is the Phantom?
26: One of the four Cold. A group of very ancient Elders. They are working together out of convenience. Where there is Phantom…
Manager: … There's Fate, Secret… and the Wicked too.
26: Damn it!
17: What's wrong?
26: It's… it's not good.
Manager: No. It's not. It's downright almost Wicked, ain't it?
26: Fine. I guess I don't have much of a choice, do I?
8: What's…?
26: I used to work for the Florida Cafe and Diner.
8: What? Really? Why didn't you tell us?
26: We had really only just started calling ourselves a Cafe—then, [Manager] made a choice I did not agree with, so I left. I didn't want to complicate things by telling you what was happening in Florida. Both because they were still just getting started… and I didn't want you to get tangled up with someone like *him.*
Manager: Rude but fair. We were supposed to be operatin' as a secret. The Dark's no joke.
26: And the Cold is even worse.
8: …So… do you have to go back?
26: Yes.
8: We'll miss you, 26.
26: You know, 8, perhaps we could work closer now that the secret is out? We could use the help, after all.