C-AFI04 (Jan 12, 2021)

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Cipher | 3 Words


Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: What position in the alphabet is A?
Clue 2: There's a certain way to phrase it - as if you're counting upwards. Ninety-nine, one hundred, one hundred one, one hundred two...
Clue 3: One hundred ten, one hundred eleven...

Answer and Explanation

Answer: One Hundred Twelve
Explanation: 'AAB' is A1Z26 for 112 - that is, One Hundred (and) Twelve.


Summary of Receipt



Branch [Long Island]
Date [2021-01-12]
Server [Employee No. 1124]
Beverage [N/A]
File Reference [C-AFI04]

Uh. Hi. My name is [Uriel/Sibhe/Deres/Eseís/Anata] (Wiki note - in the actual receipt, the letters flickered and rotated). Or, um— I guess we’re not supposed to use our real names, right? But No. 3 said initials are okay, so you can call me U.R. or just No. 1124. I used to work at Mr. Hearse’s Butchery down on Route. Then… things got strange. Really strange. Strange enough that Mr. Hearse pulled me aside and let me in on this whole… “coffee” business. That’s what you guys call it, right? The supernatural? Paranormal? Ghost stuff.

I think… I think I was haunted by a ghost. Or something like that.

It all started like any other day. I was taking some racks of ribs into the freezer when the door clicked shut behind me. There’s a release latch on the inside, but it was stuck—frozen over. Then the temperature dropped, colder than a freezer should get. The glass window frosted over, and I saw this ghostly hand writing the numbers “112.” After that, everything went black.

When I "woke up," I couldn’t move. I felt completely frozen, but I could see three figures talking in front of me. They were standing around this twisted throne, and it looked like we were… underwater, somehow?

The main figure was tall—maybe 9 or 10 feet—and his face was a skull, twisted into a jagged crown which made him look like a king. Beside him stood someone dressed in bloody rags. On the other side of the throne was a floating kid with bright green eyes, horns, and hooves. The ghost kid was wrapped in these thick iron chains around his neck and wrists. I don’t really remember what they were talking about, but I do remember feeling a sharp burning sensation when the floating ghost kid looked at me. I swear he said something like, “We are not alone, Morbid.” And then the skull-faced king replied, “So it begins.”

After that, I woke up for real, surrounded by my coworkers… and a strange woman in a suit. I didn’t catch her name, but she handed me that weird, blank book before rushing out when she saw Mr. Hearse coming in.

So… yeah. Is this… bad? Like, terminal or something? I’m sure you guys know more about hauntings than I do. Am I going to be, you know, okay?