C-ADDY02 (Jul 16, 2017)
“A knock at Ulysses’ door.”
Research | 1 Word
Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: This isn't the Roman Ulysses, by the way. Another, more modern, one.
Clue 2: A palindrome, actually.
Clue 3: A word in the book Ulysses by James Joyce that means 'to knock on a door'.
Answer and Explanation
Answer: Tattarrattat
Explanation: This is a word that occurs in the book Ulysses, by James Joyce, and is used to refer to a knock on a door.
Summary of Receipt
DATE: 16-7-17
Yeah, no kidding, Robert the Doll is working for the Dark. Reports rolled in last night that Robert, along with the Redman, paid a visit to the Devil's Den in Williston. It's not clear what they were doing there. Whatever they were up to, though, drew the attention of the Astoria 23rd Agency. There was a full-on response from Echo, Hotel, Juliett, Lima, and even Papa. My parents called me about it. My. Parents. Called. Me. So… whatever those two were up to is something big. Like, really, really, big. My parents never call me about this kinda stuff.
They didn't know much more about it other than Robert and the Redman were caught in the Devil's Den, prompting an Echo (one of the "big seven" divisions) response aided by Hotel (their goons), Juliett (magic nerds), Lima (psychic nerds), and Papa (dork, geek, weirdo, nerds). I don't think my parents know what we're up to… not the Cafe stuff, anyway. Not that they'd disapprove or anything. I mean, we all worked together in the Second Cafe. They just called to make sure I was okay because I guess I'm close enough to Williston to worry them. Which… worries me. What the hell were the Redman and Robert up to?
Whatever it was, wasn't successful. At least, I don't think it was. It's not like Echo actually tells my parents the outcomes of their every operation. It's just, like, water cooler talk or whatever. However, this might mean that the Agency is privy to the Dark. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing for us. Usually, Coffee and Salt don't mix. But… after the whole… "destroy the Otherside" thing that Agent Hellman spearheaded went belly up, the Agency has been a tiny bit tamer. Plus, I don't really care if the Agency comes down on the Dark hard. They aren't your usual Otherside residents, they're like, actual villains.