CD-BMN03 (Feb 12, 2020) (Sequence III)
“Dig deeper…”
Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: Maybe another read of Leave For Washington, chapter 4 is in order?
Clue 2: Read the comments as well.
Answer and Explanation
Answer: N3ph3l1ad
Explanation: This is commented into LFW04.
Summary of Receipt
DATE: 2-12-2020
Things are beginning to escalate, and not in the way I would like. No matter, I’m still in this for us. For all of us. I’ve secured the Face of the Roamer. I’m going to have 17 move it to our sister location for safekeeping. I know 5 is the one who lost it, so he’ll either keep that a secret from us or admit to it and do something rash to get it back. Either outcome will work at this point.
Option A) 5 keeps it a secret and the Face remains “lost”. The Roamer becomes more feral to the point the investors will need to intervene. Causes conflict between the investors and the Shadow Folk frees up the Necropolis for an interview.
Option B) 5 does something rash to recover the Face, most likely using one of his many associates to help. If we’re lucky he’ll take us straight to a demon who can help us with our other plans. Might free up the other two if we’re lucky.
I’m more favorable towards Option A, but I expect 5 to do something rash. I’d really like to get 5 on our side as soon as possible, but 17 is still hesitant. Personally, I feel two Warlocks are better than one. Oh well, we’ll get to that bridge when we cross it. Besides, I need Team 1 to pull out of Washington. Troubling reports of actual Yokai have been popping up in Japan and I need them to investigate immediately. It would seem the Otherworld is an odd artifact of Yonomo’s and Grenbelrn’s… investment. Still need to do some more research.