DTHS05 (Nov 24, 1988)

From Cafe and Diner
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Summary of Receipt



RECEIPT DATE: 11 24 1988

I’ve taken some time to “reflect” on Mrs. Cass’ fortunes, and I’ve concluded they’re nothing more than twisted words from Fate itself. "You’ll be left on the wrong side of the door," she said. Six words, perfectly sharpened, designed to burrow into my mind and twist at my greatest fear—Death.

Perhaps now is the time to tell you a story about a Cafe owner, in a time long since passed. This Cafe owner died—set ablaze by a single match—all because he was on the wrong side of a door. Many wanted him dead. Many wanted his Cafe destroyed. And they succeeded.


Clearly, the Cafe and Diner lives on. I’d almost argue the only reason it does live on is because that Cafe owner chose to stay late instead of leaving with his employees.

I know the rest of you have taken Mrs. Cass’ warnings to heart. Mon Amour, in particular, hasn’t been herself since hearing her star would burn out. I’d comfort her if I could, but lately, it seems her fire is aimed at me. Even my Trusted Associate has been distant, and our Secret Employee’s silence has become unnerving. Only Eight has remained as he always is—unchanged. But then, Eight was spared from Fate. This time.

No warning. No insights. Just a smile. Perhaps that’s the worst fortune of all? To say nothing, and let Eight unravel it himself. After all, a blank fortune can weigh as heavily as any prophecy, if you let it. Though I suspect Eight knows far more than Mrs. Cass. Or perhaps… Mrs. Cass—Fate—has no idea what to make of Eight here and now. Fate has never been able to hold Eight down in any meaningful way, for that matter.

So… Let the soothsayers smile.

We have work to do.