DTHS04 (Nov 22, 1988)
Summary of Receipt
RECEIPT DATE: 11 22 1988
I’ve never been one to sit on the sidelines—it’s not in my nature. But watching you, mon amour, Eight, and our Trusted Associate dance around each other has been… illuminating. There’s a rhythm to it, a pattern almost musical. And yet, every so often, a dissonant note slips through—a tension in Eight’s voice, a glance from our Trusted Associate that lingers too long, the way you retreat into your silences, mon amour.
I see it, even if you don’t. The Oracle’s words weren’t just threads of Fate; they were threads of truth. You believe you can outmaneuver Fate, but I fear you’re trying to carve a path through a past that no longer exists. I can’t see things as you do—or as you once did. Even now, with all that I can perceive, I can’t grasp how things were or what that means for us now. Perhaps it’s best to let go of what you know. Try to live in the moment, mon amour. I promise you—things will be different this time.
I’ve seen the way you look at Eight. Not with trust, but with something close to reverence, tinged with fear. And our Trusted Associate, ever your anchor, is starting to pull against the chains that bind him to you. He’s loyal, yes, but loyalty is fragile when stretched too far. The cracks are forming—I wonder if you see them, or if you’re still too busy chasing the horizon of the morning star.
I know you don’t like prophecy. I understand. But what Mrs. Cass said can’t be dismissed—not this time. Her words are a mirror, reflecting truths you’re too afraid to face. Ignoring them won’t make them disappear; it will only let the shadows grow deeper. Recently, the thought of my light going out paralyzed me with fear. But… it didn’t. And that, mon amour, reminds me: there’s… something urgent we need to discuss. Tomorrow, early in the morning, at our favorite spot.