CD-AEP05 (Nov 19, 1988)
"Aemrst fo eht Den."
Knowledge | 2 Words
Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: Rearrange the letters. It's an anagram.
Clue 2: It is arranged alphabetically, anyways to find the end of that?
Clue 3: Z is the end of the alphabet. Z...
Clue 4: Z is for Zulu. Who's the master of Division Zulu?
Answer and Explanation
Answer: The Secret
Explanation: This is an anagram spelling out 'Master of the End', notably arranged in order of the letters' positions in the alphabet. 'The End' is therefore implied to be Z - that is, Division Zulu - and the master of Division Zulu, the 'bigger boss', is the Cold Elder known as Secret.
Summary of Receipt
RECEIPT DATE: 11 19 1988
I’ve learned to trust my instincts, but my Trusted Associate has a way of making me doubt myself—or perhaps just despise my own certainty. We’ve been circling this conversation for days, both knowing it would come to this. And, as always, my Trusted Associate’s tongue is sharper when it finally escapes his sewn-up lips.
Baltimore: Marcus. There’s something… wrong. I can’t shake the feeling that he’s more than we think. Or perhaps… less? A would-be vessel for Fate.
Trusted Associate: Less is often more, eh? Isn’t that your philosophy? Half-successes and all that?
Baltimore: Not this time. Fate—Wicked, Secret, Phantom… Even without God present, they can’t risk stepping into the Sphere directly.
Trusted Associate: Yes?
Baltimore: So, they choose vessels that can. You’re aware, I assume, that Shaka of Zulu is the mortal vessel for Secret?
[Trusted Associate rolled his eyes and motioned as if zipping his lips.]
Trusted Associate: Are you suggesting Marcus is already a vessel of the Cold?
Baltimore: Not yet. But Fate has used a vessel before—an Indrid Cold.
Trusted Associate: Of the Mothman Mythos?
Baltimore: Oh, cut the act. It’s not a secret if I already know, mon vieil ami.
Trusted Associate: Fine. Yes, I’m aware of Secret’s “Indrid” infection. A horrible fate—worse than death. To be trapped in a looping prison of your own mind…
Baltimore: It was Jack. In the past.
Trusted Associate: Jack? Truly? You don’t think Fate would turn him again—?
Baltimore: I… I don’t know. Maybe not. But it would explain Marcus’ sudden addition. His purpose. Perhaps Fate placed him—
Trusted Associate: Did it ever occur to you that Marcus might just be… Marcus? A man trying to help? Or is it impossible for you to imagine someone walking into your Cafe who isn’t already part of some grand conspiracy of the Cold?
Baltimore: You don’t understand—
Trusted Associate: No, I think I understand just fine. You’re scared. You’re seeing patterns in Marcus because you’re afraid of what you can’t control. I get it, Jean-Marc. Fate terrifies me too. But cutting people down just because they might be useful to Fate? That’s not strategy, mon ami—that’s paranoia.
Baltimore: Someone will be the next Indrid Cold.
Trusted Associate: Undoubtedly. But you can’t control it. I can’t control it. We’ll deal with it when it happens. That’s what we do, no? We adapt. We improvise. But Marcus is valuable to us now. Pushing him away because you don’t know his whole story? That’s a mistake we can’t afford to make. You want to best Fate so badly, you’re seeing shadows where there might just be light. Maybe Marcus is a risk. Or maybe he’s the edge we need to stay ahead. Either way, you won’t know if you keep pushing everyone away.
Baltimore: …
Trusted Associate: Sulk if you must, but I’ll take your silence as a win. A half success, at least, eh?