J-HN104 (Jan 27, 2021)

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Solve: H-HN103 | 1 Code

(Note - this page is for the 'correct', or 'true', ghost. For all other cases please click here.


Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: The eyes are your best starting bet, here.
Clue 2: Go through those with the possible eye colour - note the chance for human error when it comes to describing - and check out their descriptions in the RRBT. There are some whose behaviours absolutely don't match up.
Clue 3: Rather odd picture there. Why is the grass coloured that way - and what does that imply about the ghost?

Answer and Explanation

Answer: S794U
Explanation: The ghost was consistently described with yellow-red eyes, suggesting either the Banshee, Bogey, Fetch, Ghast or Lurker. The Banshee and Fetch can be ruled out due to the witnesses not reporting any loud sounds or dying, while the Ghast doesn’t match the description of the creature’s size. Lastly, given the inversion of red and green in the picture provided, such as in the grass, it can be assumed that the ghost’s body is green - and thus a Lurker.


Summary of Receipt



DATE [2021-01-27]

Woah… Lurker ectoplasm is no joke. I figured it had to be a Lurker based on a few key hints. First off, while the sightings all mentioned yellow-orange eyes, the only ghost we know with orange eyes is a Fetch. But Fetches are more or less like normal humans, just ghostly—not something that’d be lurking in the bushes. Also, people kept saying the ghost seemed *huge*, even bigger than some trees at times, and a Fetch is only human-sized. The branch-like limbs almost made me think it was a Bogey, but Lurkers blend in with plants. And then the final, most critical detail—the kid who drew us the picture? I think he has red-green color blindness. So, with that in mind, it was pretty clearly a big green ghost with yellow eyes… *a Lurker*. Or is it Lurkers, plural? It’s the only ghost in the RRBT to be pluralized. So… I don’t know.

When I put down some salt and a few sheets of iron to keep it contained, it exploded into a shower of bright, sticky, green ectoplasm. And, by the way, it smells exactly like rot and decay. I can see why the old man who stepped in some of it said the stench lingered on his clothes. But thankfully, salt was all it took to clear up this Lurkers problem.

And… weirdly, the RRBT started glowing after I dealt with the Lurker. When I opened it up, there was a new entry at the very back:

A twisted variant of the common Lurker, the Blister Lurkers haunt the scorched ruins of lush woodlands. Their forms are born of ash and cinder, not vine and root. Their hulking red bodies, charred and cracked, leak embers with every motion. They seethe with the heat of unresolved rage, their touch burning like molten coals. Unlike their quieter counterparts, Blister Lurkers carry the smell of smoke and scorched flesh, leaving singed trails in their wake as they stalk their prey. What they lack in subtlety, they make up for in sheer terror, turning any battlefield into a blazing nightmare where even the shadows burn. Unlike their more common counterparts, Blister Lurkers can only be extinguished with a combination of Holy Water, Salt, and Iron.