CD-FLS02 (Oct 5, 2022)
“Sign of a Sovereign.”
Knowledge | 1 Word
Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: ??
Clue 2: ??
Clue 3: ??
Answer and Explanation
Answer: :)
Explanation: This is the sign of Fate, the Sovereign who made the remnants of Limbo.
Summary of Receipt
[DATE] 10/5/22
Rewinding. I wonder if it’s not God’s guilt that’s bringing the Angels at the End together, but rather His displeasure with Jean-Marc, Belphegor, and Mammon’s actions. In all the times the Universe has ended and started anew, this was the first time it didn’t begin completely from scratch. As a result, some gained an advantage—something they shouldn’t have had. Knowledge of what’s to come, and how best to shape it. To be fair, this knowledge has been useful in countering the advances of Fate and The Cold. But what happens when Fate is gone?
Isn’t that the ultimate goal? To kill Fate. To kill an Archon. Something that should be impossible, yet, thanks to the strange nature of this Universe’s recreation, it just might be possible. Perhaps that’s why God’s Angels are subconsciously moving toward resetting the Universe—trying to stop the dark deed before it can be done. If Jean-Marc succeeds, if all his tireless efforts lead to the death of an Archon… what’s to stop him, or anyone else, from doing the same to God Himself?
I think he’s close. Close to killing the Archons—killing Gods. Whatever his plan is, it’s clear I’m part of it. Something about who I am and what I can do is key to his design. I could leave. But where would I go? And, more importantly, is it even my place to make that choice? After all, I’m just a tool. A tool can be used for good or evil. Though… being immortal myself, like the Archons, maybe having an escape wouldn’t be so bad. I do not think I would turn my own nose up at the possibility of death. And if Fate isn’t destroyed, when does it end? Since the dawn of this Universe, that Gelid Sovereign has done everything in its power to control everything that is—one way or another.