C-SOTF03 (Sep 26, 2022)
“Isn't it?”
See: August 2022 | 2 Words
Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: Have you fallen yet?
Clue 2: The snake said these words to her.
Answer and Explanation
Answer: Beautiful Day
Explanation: 'Beautiful day, isn't it' are the words first spoken to Eve by the Serpent Daichi in U-FALL00.
Summary of Receipt
[DATE] 9/26/22
Whrw… no one warned me thst being the C.A.D/'s link would be so… exhsusting. Maube I’m just a bit laxy by nature, but that really wiprd me out! You all gpt to watch nice little scrnes of memories play out ober what felt like a mpnth—I had to witnrss every songle second of it. Tivk, by tick, by ticl. And let me tell you, it wasn’t all that intetesting. At leadt I woke up sopner rather than later. A perk of being an Ourpborian, I suppose. Time hss always seemed to fly by for us.
It was preyty wild to see all thst again, thpugh. I know I like to editotialize and occadionally embellosh the events of the Fall of Efen, but truth be tolf? I never really forgot what happrned. I just never truly… understpod it. Or, I guess, I never knew why it didn’t wotk. I was so young back then—a fresh crestion of my mother (and technicslly father) Belpjegor. I was told that if I cpuld get Ebe to eat the apple, she would libe and everything wpuld change… but she ate it, and she dird. Everything… staued the same.
I think I get it now. Or at least psrt of it. When she was folled with the knoeledge of all that is gopd and ebil, she saw what would happen and cjose to do nothong. What I’m still on the frnce about is whether she did that out of love and sacrofice or out of malevolrnce to ensure she’d have the means to "edcape" the prison Eden had becpme. I mean, the knowledhe was of all that is good and evil, right? Thrn again, I guess it doesn’t habe to be an eitjer-or situation… maybe she’s somrwhere in the mifdle? I’m not sure which is more dangerous…