C-TRG02 (Oct 5, 2017)
“C…afe D…iner A…nd, on the hush-and-hush.”
Research | 3 Words
Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: Nothing actually CaD-related. This is a Research, after all. What's a CDA?
Clue 2: Something you're not allowed to mention?
Clue 3: Or, more accurately, to agree not to disclose.
Answer and Explanation
Answer: Confidential Disclosure Agreement
Explanation: The first letters of Cafe Diner And are separated with ellipses, and the clue tells you that it is supposed to be quiet. A Confidential Disclosure Agreement is a contract that keeps details about the agree quiet.
Summary of Receipt
DATE: 5-10-17
DAMN IT ALL! Bloody hell, I was so close! I had Redman, I had him right where I wanted him! He didn’t know the name of the seed—he would’ve lost! He should’ve lost! But no. No, no, no. Nothing is ever that simple, is it? I can’t just have a win, can I? Even when I’ve earned it. Even when I’ve bested the Redman. Lawds below me he must have some friends in high, or low, places lookin’ out for him.
Our game was interrupted.
To be fair, I think it caught the Redman off guard as well. No one ever really expects to have their usual Boogieman business interrupted by the likes of a wandering Elder. It’s… well, it’s got to be a one in a million occurrence. Maybe less considering the types of customers the Cafe attracts. If Redman was winning, I’m sure he would’ve been right pissed that his game got upended by that glittering green ghoul. Ugh. ‘Course I reckon he’s right chuffed he got out of playin’ proper, even if on the technicality of a much older, much more powerful entity.
Looks like we have to play again. All of us, this time. We weren’t given much of a choice in the matter. We had to agree to “play again” on his terms this time around. He’s got a whole… he’s got a whole production for it, as far as I know. The new game should start tomorrow. Expect some slight CaDCom interference. We are allowed to phone a friend, and that’s as much as I can really say about it. I had to sign a bloody CDA over it.
I hope I didn’t just stumble us into our undoing… ‘Course… what can you do when Elders want to play?