C-MURA02 (Sep 22, 2017)
“Self-transformering.” Psychonautic Trivia | 2 Words
Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: More like self-transforming, really.
Clue 2: Most often seen while tripping on drugs.
Clue 3: Also known as fractal elves.
Answer and Explanation
Answer: Machine Elves
Explanation: While on DMT (yes, the drug), people have been described as seeing 'self-transforming machine elves’
Summary of Receipt
DATE: 22-9-17
I just can’t get my mind off the possibility that Ringan Storm is still here… still lingering. The Blight residue doesn’t help much, as it’s spewing off reality-warping whispers of doubt and fear. We really need to clean that up soon. But even without the Blight, the air in the Café still feels heavy, like there’s still a storm hanging around. So… I’ve been considering doing a psychonautic reading of the area where we defeated Aplut. Now, I’m no psychonaut, so it’d be somewhat risky, especially with the residual Blight energy still swirling around.
There are a lot of dangers involved. The residual Blight could interfere with the reading, or worse, amplify any remaining negative energy. It would also open me up to any number of unwanted astral entities—especially one of the “masters” of the Astral Realm, the Hatman himself. But, I don’t have to jump straight into it either. It's not like when Aplut just showed up at our door in a flash. I’ve got plenty of time to place protective wards, energy stabilizers, and it’s not like I’d be alone, either. Payroll’s still here and she’s had plenty of Astral encounters with Umbra before.
It would just help me sleep a little better at night knowing that the Cafe is fully Storm-proofed, y’know? Obviously, if everyone says “don’t do that, it’s a bad idea,” I won’t. But… the sooner we can understand what was left behind, the sooner we can truly start to heal and rebuild from this waking nightmare. It’s worth a try, if nothing else. I’ll start working out the logistics of it all, and double-triple checking that I’m not just opening a door for the Dark or… worse… the Wicked to interfere with us. But until then,
Peace, love, and Joy!