CD-ADWD01 (Aug 4, 2017)

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“Serpent's Sword near Bradford, wrapped in an iron frame with a less than honest name; running still from a haunted past, filled with flutters from the passed.”
Knowledge | Research | 4 Words


Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: Reading back through the receipts, who do we know uses a fake name, is running from his past, and wears iron 'frames'?
Clue 2: Alright, what else uses fake names and is controlled by iron?
Clue 3: Where is Bradford located?
Clue 5: So you're searching for Scottish fairies. What about the 'flutters from the passed'?
Clue 3: The passed - or the dead. A group of undead ghosts, or fairies, in Scottish mythology.

Answer and Explanation

Answer: Host Of The Dead
Explanation: A place 'near Bradford' linked to Jericho, the 'Serpent's Sword' (though admittedly it's not needed - impossible, in fact - to know that title of his) would undoubtedly be somewhere in Scotland. Of course, Jericho also has a 'less than honest name', what with 'Jericho' actually being an alias, and him wearing iron rings (as in 32B104), but another creature linked to iron and fake name would be fairies. As it turns out, there so happens to be a group of 'passed fairies' in Scottish (and Irish) mythology - the Sluagh na marbh, also called the 'host of the dead'.


Summary of Receipt



DATE: 4-8-17

Writing off the record again. Might become a bit of a habit at this point. Or maybe, it’s just an excuse to drop the act a bit. I’m a mess when it comes to keeping up the whole “Jericho” bit. Every time I get a little more comfortable just being myself… wham… some ghost of my past rears its ugly head. Now that the ol’ Nuckelavee’s involved with the Dark, I can’t risk it. I can’t. I don’t reckon the Nuckelavee is exactly in league with the Slaugh… but bloody hell… It’s close enough for my comfort. I won’t let the Host get my true name. Not again. Hell, I barely made it out of that on a loose loophole.

Mm… regarding that loose loophole… I’ve had my head buried in the books for the past few weeks. Figured I’d make myself useful for this Cafe and Diner, especially after all the trouble I’ve caused. And in researching the Devil’s Den, I came across quite the choice little rumor… the Devil’s Chair. A graveside bench in a cemetery that borders Cassadaga and Lake Helen. They say if one were to leave an unopened can of beer on the bench, it’d be dry as bone come morning. Drunk by the Devil himself. It can’t be that easy to call out the Devil, can it?

What would I have to lose? A can of beer? I mean, certainly, stranger things have happened. Though I struggle to think there’s some convenient gap between the Gates of Hell and, well, Florida. Then again… I reckon the Bermuda Triangle might just be a big enough sigil that it can bend the Gates of Hell just enough to let ol’ Nick pop out for a drink. If I can find a reference to it just lying about at my local library, it can’t be true. The Angels, the Bird, someone would’ve patched that up by now. Surely. Or, I suppose, it could be one of many “devils” who takes the drink. So long as it’s not the Host or the Wicked, It’s worth a shot, yeah?