U-ADBT02 (Dec 13, 2023)
“What was missing.”
Knowledge | 1 Word
Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: ??
Clue 2: ??
Clue 3: ??
Answer and Explanation
Answer: Joy
Explanation: Joy is the only missing member that isn’t there with them.
Summary of Receipt
Receipt: U-ADBT02
Author: Coraline
Status: Unknown
Subject: Another Debt
Coraline: Joy?
Joy: Who… are you? Where… are we?
Coraline: I’m—not sure.
Joy: You don’t know who you are?
Coraline: Oh! I do. Uh, mostly, anyway. As much as anyone can know who they are. My name is Coraline.
Joy: It’s nice to meet you, Coraline. My name is—
Coraline: —Joy.
Joy: Have we met before?
Coraline: Uhm… No. But I know you’re Joy. And I know you crystalized to stop yourself from destroying the Universe. Which means…
Joy: The Universe has been destroyed?
Coraline: I don’t know. I don’t think so, but… How are you here?
Joy: Where is “here” anyway?
Coraline: That’s a good question. It’s quiet here, and something feels… off.
Joy: Do you think this is just a dream?
Coraline: Like the Astral Plane?
Joy: Mm… not quite. I know the Astral Plane pretty well, and this isn’t it.
Coraline: Could it be limbo?
Joy: I guess so? Though, why now?
Coraline: What do you mean?
Joy: I haven’t been… conscious, not until now. Do you know what day it is?
Coraline: December 13th, 2023.
Joy: Well, it hasn’t been that long since I crystalized, at least. But—there’s nowhere to go, is there? We’re stuck in this void.
Coraline: Hmm… I’m not sure.
Joy: You know about me, right?
Coraline: Yes!
Joy: So, do you know about the Cafe and Diner?
Coraline: I do!
Joy: Do you know what happened after I crystalized?
Coraline: Uh, bits and pieces. Do you want me to start at the beginning?
Joy: Sure. I don’t think there’s anything else we can really do here. So, start at the beginning!
Coraline: Well, I guess the very beginning would have to be August 8th, 1988. Jean-Marc Chausson, the Otherman of the Universe before this one, had rewound things for a second and final chance at killing Fate itself. Luckily, Jean-Marc was prone to meticulous note-keeping and journaling…