CD-PUF04 (Nov 23, 2023)

From Cafe and Diner
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“A tutelary presence.”
Knowledge | 2 Words


Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: What does the word 'tutelary' mean?
Clue 2: A Tutelary Presence, huh? Sounds familiar. Have we heard - or seen - similar phrases before?
Clue 3: Just look at the tags. What type of Angel is 'tutelary'?

Answer and Explanation

Answer: Guardian Angel
Explanation: 'Tutelary' refers to protection, while the phrasing of the puzzle is similar to various Case IDs such as A Divine Presence and A Suspicious Presence, all of which involve the Angel. Thus, we're looking for a protective angel, better known as a Guardian Angel.


Summary of Receipt



Receipt: CD-PUF04
Author: Angel
Status: Cafe Diner
Subject: Business as Usual

I suppose I should weigh in on this as well. Between all the secrets and such, I’m not sure how many of you actually know who I am or what my role is. Now is as good a time as any to formally introduce myself, my true self, and my true name. I am Echiera Zejan, the Guardian Angel of the Cafe and Diner. Of course, I’ve gone by many names and many faces over the years, as is the way of Guardian Angels. Typically, our role is to watch from the Topside and offer only subtle shifts in our Principle’s favor. Sometimes, more direct action is required, and as such, we must assume a human name and face.

I have interfered time and time again between the First, Third, Other, and Fourth Cafes. Doing so not only put my very self into peril, but I also risked undoing any and all progress being made in the Cafe and Diner and God’s war against Fate and the Cold. Do you know why I did it? Well, beyond safeguarding against the risk of Dr. Crow, Charlotte Casey, Umbra the Hatman, and ultimately Eve and the Devil? Because the Cafe and Diner is always worth the trouble it brings. Jackie has it exactly right—humans are incredibly unique in the Universal order but also very easily taken advantage of.

Perhaps I am biased. I am, for many intents and purposes, the very embodiment of the Cafe and Diner, and should it cease to exist, so too would I. Though it is something much greater than myself, and I can’t help but advocate for it. However, I see Amber’s point as well. It might be time to let the Universe take its own course without the aid of the many brave and foolish baristas who have dared to shape it. And if the destruction of the Cafe and Diner may save Victoria? It would be a worthy trade off.

Besides, with or without a Cafe and Diner, humans, I suspect, will continue to be exactly that—humans.