CD-OOO05 (Nov 18, 2023)

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“cHecK, cHecK, 1, 2, 39.”
Mikey Trivia | 5 Words


Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: Reverse the capital letters, actually. Any game with the initials KH?
Clue 2: Why are there 2 'KH's? Which is that game in the series?
Clue 3: Is there a sub-community for Kingdom Hearts 2 that involves 'checks'?
Clue 4: Which world has 39 checks needed for Kingdom Hearts 2's randomizer challenge?

Answer and Explanation

Answer: The World That Never Was
Explanation: The puzzle capitalizes HK two times. Looking at video games, Kingdom Hearts fits the initial, and there’s 2 of them, meaning Kingdom Hearts 2, and it has randomizer checks. The World That Never Was is the only location in the game that has 39 of these checks.


Summary of Receipt



Receipt: CD-OOO05
Author: Mikey
Status: Cafe Diner
Subject: The Daggers

We’re in.

I’ve always wanted to say that! I think what went down is pretty obvious, but in case someone isn’t in the loop yet, Brent made it seem like he was upset that the Daggers hadn’t chosen him. Then he got their attention and sorta forced them to hire him. Had to do a little setup for it, as Nine is pretty sure the Daggers can read all of our receipts whether or not they’re on the Archives. There’s a chance the AND channel is secure enough to hide from the Daggers—but there’s also a chance it isn’t. So, hopefully, this receipt doesn’t blow Brent’s cover, though he is kinda stuck there as a Dagger or a double agent.

We’re not just gonna leave Brent there, but figuring out how to rescue him from one of the most secure supernatural organizations in the world—ah, Universe, it’ll be a bit tricky. He knew what he was getting into, though, and he seemed pretty confident that should things go ’72 on him, he could just “Triple Threat” or whatever. I don’t know what the hell he’s talking about, and neither does Jackie or Dan. I mean, they both knew that Miranda, Brent, and Victoria were sorta… well, I guess bound together by a contract they made. But no one really knows what it does besides, I guess, Miranda, Brent, and Victoria.

The good news is it seems like the CaDCom-Mini Sarah built is working despite Brent being somewhere way, way far from here. We aren’t quite sure where exactly he is, and even if we did know, the Daggers don’t congregate in just one spot in the Universe, so that wouldn’t do us any good anyway. But Brent is able to send us updates through the Mini, and once he finds Doris O’Neal, he’ll let us know the game plan. While we aren’t exactly sure how we can rescue her, we’re hoping that Brent’s insider knowledge will tip the scales. Plus, if the world is really ending, for real this time, then who cares if the Daggers get pissed at us for rescuing a prophetic grandma?