C-OWE02 (Jan 21, 2020)

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“Manager No. 6 said it is likely to be so.”
See: CD-QZBEB06 | 2 Words


Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: I reckon we need a receipt with Manager No. 6. Considering how she's really into crystals and things like that, maybe check out the Sixth episode of Quizzing with Zoey, Brian, Ethan and Billy?
Clue 2: What is likely?

Answer and Explanation

Answer: Temporal Distortion
Explanation: In CD-QZBEB06, Manager No. 6 says "Temporal distortion is likely."


Summary of Receipt

Employee 17 discusses three specific lines in 6’s divination: ‘To see into the Orbis Alius, one must first see into the Ouroboros. First Sight begets Second Sight begets Third Sight. Temporal distortion is likely.‘ He theorises that when 161 met Rem Lazar, who showed her a vision of Julia, it was from an alternate timeline. Which would also answer why the CaD couldn’t find her - she wasn’t in their reality. Then it’s possible that something happened there which gave her a link to the Otherworld.


DATE: 1-21-2020
TOTAL: $0.65
I’ve been thinking about Manager No. 7 as of late. Trying to piece together the secrets of her return and her apparent connection to this Otherworld phenomenon. I think I’ve made a breakthrough after going over our tea club’s findings regarding Third Sight. Specifically something Manager No. 6 said in her revelations on the Otherworld.

“To see into the Orbis Alius one must first see into the Ouroboros.

First Sight begets Second Sight begets Third Sight.

Temporal distortion is likely.”

Ouroboros and temporal distortion—Well, that has got me thinking. When 161 saw Manager No. 7 with the Elder Rem Lezar in her dreams, was she seeing a different timeline? Rem Lezar said himself that it was possible to see into the Otherworld, and then he showed 161 a vision, as I understand it. Was he trying to demonstrate this temporal concept? Unfortunately, we don’t know much about what precisely 161 saw other than a “weird” Cafe of sorts, and Manager No. 7 appeared to be dead or gravely injured. Perhaps she saw into an alternate future? Or maybe even an alternate past? And could it be that is why none of us were able to find Manager No. 7 here? As powerful as he may be, not even 26 can move about in time, which would explain why he could not find Manager No. 7. Because she wasn’t in our cycle.

Of course, if this is the case, we could further pester Nom de Plume about it, but I doubt they can answer such vague questions. Without knowing where and when Manager No. 7 was, they wouldn’t be able to track her down in the past or future of it all. However, I believe wherever she was, something happened that exposed her to some form of this Otherworldly energy. This makes sense if the Otherworld is indeed coming from, or even connected to, the Ouroboros. Then maybe her being displaced in time could have unexpected consequences similar to how 26’s power’s developed. In any case, I hope Mr. Kansai can shed some light on this conundrum. Assuming he is sober enough to do so.